Academic Medicine Covering Up COVID-19 Vaccine Cardiac Arrests?
Dr. Jane Orient Reviews Perfidious Conspiracy to Suppress the Self-Evident
By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
As more and more people unexpectedly die without medical explanation, the world is getting very nervous about injections of long-lasting genetic code for the lethal Wuhan Spike protein. I have asked many media personalities and people on the street, no one can recall a single public figure stating the vaccines are safe and effective and they are healthy and free of COVID-19 on their seventh shot. No one.
If the human mind cannot admit a catastrophic mistake made to ones own body, is it possible that continued fear based groupthink could be biasing editorial offices, publishers, and media outlets in the suppression of data on vaccine-induced sudden death?
Dr. Jane Orient, leader of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons has published an editorial that makes the case that there is a strong suppression of information on sudden death after vaccination. Despite well-documented mechanisms of death being myocarditis, progression of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, primary ventricular arrythmias, intracranial hemorrhage, pulmonary embolism, anaphylactoid shock, and multisystem inflammatory disorder, the medical literature is devoid of papers coming out saying the vaccines are CAUSING death.

This editorial is packed with punches and I strongly encourage you to read it. It puts into words what many are thinking, the medical establishment is covering up vaccine deaths in the most perfidious manner ever conceived.
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Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
President, McCullough Foundation
Dr. John Stone –was a cardiologist at Emory University School of Medicine and poet- in his book “In all this Rain” he wrote - “death that comes "slowly as rust" or "suddenly, as when someone leaving a room finds the doorknob come loose in his hand." When did we make life so cheap that it is not worth investigating the cause of the loose doorknob? When did we stop seeking answers? Millions can protest the tragic death of someone they never knew and use such to demand a comprehensive investigation, severe punishment for those involved and societal change -because doing so serves an agenda, while ignoring or dismissing the cause of untimely deaths of their relatives, friends, and associates whose death was attributed to the “medical protocol” for C19 or who died suddenly from cause unknown. God Help us - for we have truly lost our way.
Dr. McCullough here is what a citizen, highly educated but not in medicine, seeks to understand.
I surmise that the connection between damage to the gut flora, immune suppression, both chronic disease and sudden death are powerful connections ... but the understanding is in its infancy despite all the research.
I cite the ability of ivermectin to treat advanced COVID. Both Hazan and Cole relate that the O2 concentrations of patients in big trouble were recovered in as little as a few hours. Hazan’s hypotheses was the support ivermectin gave to the microbiome.
I cite the 61000 group life payouts ages 25 to 45 in Q3’21. This group soaked up the proliferation of childhood vaccines after the 1986 VICA law, presented (had it been measured) chronic damage to the microbiome and consequent immune suppression. When they collided with the 2021 COVID shot mandate ... they died shortly after their shots.
The sudden death phenomenon apparently has a “tail”.
The destruction of the gut flora, the difficulty in recovering it, chronic and acute diseases that follow and the origin of the problem in pharmaceutical uptake including all kinds of shots is a connection I am convinced of, waiting to see it unfold.