Antinuclear Antibodies in Post-Acute Sequelae after COVID-19
Test for Auto-Immunity is Positive in Patients with Respiratory Long-COVID
By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
Among an array of tests I obtain in patients with post-acute sequelae after SARS-CoV-2 infection or COVID-19 vaccine is the antinuclear antibody. First described in 1948, ANA identification has been the foundation of diagnosis for autoimmune connective tissue disease, including systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), Sjogren's syndrome, and polymyositis/dermatomyositis.
Before the pandemic, I have found most ANA positive syndromes responsive to chronic hydroxychloroquine therapy among other agents. It is interesting that HCQ became one of several choices in the standard of care for the early ambulatory management of high-risk COVID-19 as established by the McCullough Protocol.
Son et al, evaluated severe COVID-19 cases, many of whom were hospitalized early in the pandemic and found that research grade ANA assays were positive in a large fraction with persistent respiratory and chest symptoms such as fatigue, cough, and dyspnea. Their findings suggest SARS-CoV-2 infection itself induces auto-immunity, particularly with severe infections.

While there are no randomized trials of HCQ in long-COVID, it has been my observation that ANA positive patients improve on HCQ when they are suffering from post-acute sequalae after SARS-CoV-2 infection and/or COVID-19 vaccination. So don’t be surprised if you see patients taking HCQ on a longer-term basis as they recover through the pandemic.
These data suggest Biden’s Office of Long COVID Research and Practice should focus on the generic drugs we were finding useful for acute treatment including HCQ, IVM, colchicine, etc. Instead the disastrous research program has spent $1B and produced no new therapies or protocols for patients suffering in the community.
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Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
President, McCullough Foundation
80% of patients who had serious COVID19 or died had active antibody-mediated autoimmunity prior to having COVID19, compared to only 7-8% of people who had mild COVID19. Prior autoimmunity is a huge signal for risk - and therefore we need to study the role of causes of autoimmunity like the use of aluminum hydroxide in vaccines.
Why study low cost generics when you can make a bundle on expensive patented drugs with questionable benefit? I understand that private companies are in the business for making a profit, but the government shouldn’t be profiting off the mess it created.