Australians Call for Pause on Gene-Based COVID-19 Vaccines
Peer-Reviewed Manuscript Says Theoretical Benefits Not Worth the Risk
By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
There are probably thousands of peer-reviewed manuscripts that give mass indiscriminate COVID-19 vaccination a wave on by falsely asserting “vaccines have saved millions of lives” or “the benefits of vaccination continue the outweigh the risks.” These statements are cursory, not supported by data, and often are slapped into the text of papers describing horrific safety events such as heart damage, blood clots, neurological injury, and auto-immunity.
Rhodes and Parry published a paper in Pathology, Research, and Practice that fairly concludes:
“Neither risk nor cost can justify these products for the vast majority of people. Lack of efficacy against infection and transmission, and the equivalent benefits of natural immunity, obviate mandatory therapeutics. With the many gene-based pharmaceuticals planned, a new era of pathology lies ahead. We should pause, reflect, and reaffirm essential freedoms, welcome the end of the COVID-19 pandemic, embrace natural immunity, and lift all mandated medical therapy.”

This paper is important because issues in medicine always need balance and discussion. A paper drawing the opposite conclusion of so many others is worth review, discussion, and consideration in academic medical centers all over the world. Probably years after the vaccine debacle, historians will search for such papers and public comment where physicians and scientists were making calls of concern for public safety in a time when the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex was running the table in academic medicine.
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Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
President, McCullough Foundation
“With the many gene-based pharmaceuticals planned, a new era of pathology lies ahead.” Scientists are getting ahead of themselves. They are pushing forward on gene-based therapies that have and will result in new pathologies that we are unprepared to handle. The corruption of the Bio-pharmaceutical Complex here is pure evil that will have long lasting consequences. They are working hand-in-hand with corrupt governments incorporating psychological warfare against a mind numb public. We are living in a time of intense spiritual warfare. I hope it’s not too late for the public to wake up.
Enjoyed reading the article. Very timely, with logic applicable to all other nations that implemented the mRNA injections. Quote from the article: "We have a pandemic of the vaccinated. We must open our eyes to this global tragedy."