BREAKING--Manuscript on Fatal COVID-19 Vaccine Myocarditis Nominated for Top PrePrint
Please Cast Your Vote in Support of Our Investigative Scholarship
By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
McCullough Foundation investigative scholarship is having a big impact in breaking through censorship and bringing medical truth to the public by providing a pandemic counter-narrative. There is no better evidence of high-quality scholarship than global recognition for scientific manuscripts.
Please support our preprint Hulscher et al "Autopsy Proven Fatal COVID-19 Vaccine-Induced Myocarditis" short-listed for top paper cited by PrePrints. Click on link scroll down to "Medicine and Pharmacology & Public Health and Healthcare”
The first author, Nicolas Hulscher (MPH candidate) will be graduating from the University of Michigan School of Public Health and joining the McCullough Foundation as a research fellow in 2024-2025. Many thanks for your support.

Please subscribe to Courageous Discourse as a paying or founder member so we can continue to bring you the truth.
Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
President, McCullough Foundation
Voted! You have to scroll down to the Medicine and Pharmacology section.
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