AUTHOR’S NOTE: The following post consists of passages taken from The Courage to Face COVID-19: Preventing Hospitalization and Death While Battling the BioPharmaceutical Complex, by John Leake & Dr. Peter McCullough. All rights reserved.
On October 19, 2019, the Johns Hopkins Center for Public Security, in collaboration with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Economic Forum, conducted a Pandemic Simulation Exercise. As Johns Hopkins described the event:
The center’s latest pandemic simulation, Event 201, dropped participants right in the midst of an uncontrolled coronavirus outbreak that was spreading like wildfire out of South America to wreak worldwide havoc. As fictional newscasters from “GNN” narrated, the immune-resistant virus (nicknamed CAPS) was crippling trade and travel, sending the global economy into freefall. Social media was rampant with rumors and misinformation, governments were collapsing, and citizens were revolting.
At 43:44 in the video recording of the Pandemic Simulation Exercise, one of the participants, Dr. Timothy Evans, drew his colleagues’ attention to a new organization called CEPI that was founded in Davos, Switzerland in 2017 by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum, and the Wellcome Trust. As Dr. Evans told the Pandemic Board:
CEPI, which was established three years ago to accelerate vaccine development exactly in these settings where a coronavirus is, in fact, one of its indications and first areas of focus. That may not be common knowledge.
Event 201 and other planning exercises since 2017 were uncannily prescient. Many participants said they knew a devastating pandemic was coming. It was only a matter of time, and CEPI—the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations—was prepared for it. Indeed, CEPI was already developing vaccines for a virulent coronavirus outbreak.
CEPI was established under Norwegian law as a not-for-profit association with headquarters in Oslo and offices in London and Washington D.C. In its Articles of Association, it describes itself as “an international multi-stakeholder initiative supported by governments, international organisations, industry, public and philanthropic funders, academia and civil society groups.” The association was formally launched in Davos, Switzerland in January 2017 by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum—which also founded the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) in 2001—the Wellcome Trust, and the governments of Norway and India. Its primary mission is “to co-ordinate funding and stimulate R&D for vaccines against emerging infectious diseases.”

At the heart of this funding co-ordination enterprise is soliciting enormous donations from governments—i.e., taxpayer money—and channeling the funds to pharmaceutical companies engaged in developing vaccines. In November 2016, CEPI published its “Preliminary Business Plan”—a prospectus that it sent out to donors and participants. Its executive summary set forth The Challenge and The Opportunity.
The Challenge
As the recent SARS, MERS, Ebola and Zika outbreaks demonstrate, new diseases can emerge quickly and unexpectedly. … To ensure robust and effective private sector participation in future outbreaks, industry will require a reliable risk/reward sharing system, a prioritization system for EIDs, and a clear development pathway for emergency-use vaccines.
The Opportunity
CEPI … will rationalize and accelerate research and development responses to new outbreaks by coordinating resources of industry, governments, philanthropic organizations and NGOs, prioritizing development goals, and facilitating the advanced development of vaccines for EIDs.
The “Preliminary Business Plan” is dedicated entirely to vaccine development. Not once does the sixty-page document refer to treating emerging diseases. Under the section Cost Coverage, the business plan states: “Vaccine developers who contribute with dedicated capacities should be reimbursed for their direct and indirect costs.” Under the section Shared benefits,” the business plan states.
It is anticipated that vaccines developed with CEPI support will not be profitable. In the event that a vaccine developed with CEPI support does develop economic value, agreements between CEPI and the vaccine developer will ensure either that CEPI’s investment is reimbursed or that the economic value is shared through royalties or other risk sharing agreements.
In other words, vaccine manufacturers will be fully reimbursed for their costs, and they won’t make a profit until one of their vaccines developed with CEPI “does develop economic value,” at which point they will share the royalties with CEPI. The association’s not-for-profit status meant that any royalties it earned by economically valuable vaccines it supported would be tax free.
The Preliminary Business Plan's last five pages presented CEPI’s membership roster—a who’s who of prominent persons in academia, government health agencies, pharmaceutical companies, and NGOs. All of them were given “The Opportunity” presented by the next infectious disease outbreak that was sure to come. With the arrival of SARS-CoV-2 three years later, the opportunity was upon them, and the time had come to seize it.
On March 16, 2020, the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) announced it was starting human trials of a new messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccine it had developed with the Moderna company of Cambridge, Massachusetts. As stated in the NIAID press release: “The Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) supported the manufacturing of the vaccine candidate for the Phase 1 clinical trial.”
NIAID’s March 16, 2020 announcement signaled that Dr. Fauci’s institution and CEPI were initiating their business plan of developing the vaccine solution instead of the repurposed drug treatment solution. Treating COVID-19 simply wasn’t in the business plan. This explains why Gates and Fauci and friends weren’t interested in the potential value of repurposed drugs such as hydroxychloroquine—an old generic drug that costs approximately $6.00 for a 5-day therapeutic course. This was the equivalent of telling the Pentagon and Lockheed Martin that their new $1.6 trillion F-35 fighter jet program would not be necessary because a cheap modification of existing jets would achieve the same result.
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God bless you Dr. McCullough & John Leake & every Hero Whistleblower that has/is coming forward & exposing the lies & liars who orchestrated & profited from our unnecessary pain & misery of the manmade Covid virus & the killer Covid shots.
How many lives could have been saved with early treatment of Ivermectin & Hydroxychloriquine???
How many people would still be alive or not severely injured if the evil & corrupt Gates, Fauci, WHO, CDC, FDA, NIH, AMA, etc... and the vaccine companies whom all used innocent people as their Guinea pigs with their Covid shots???
I am unvaxxed & my first clue as to why I refused the shot was when we heard that our government politicians & vaccine companies were exempt from having to take the shots!
Unfortunately many of my family & friends who took the Covid shots are permanently injured or dead.
Because I’m older & high risk from being disabled from major cancer surgery & then major radiation damage I was pressured & ridiculed by many family & friends & doctors & nurses, thank God for one of my pain doctors who refused to take the Covid shot at risk of being fired, confided to me in private that he felt the same way I did, which gave me more courage to stand my ground.
I & all my family & friends know ALOT more people who died from the Covid shots than from Covid.
I cannot thank you all enough for your bravery to stand up against so many rich & powerful & evil people in our worldwide medical cabal.
This pretty much smashes the whole thing wide open, no? Thank you Dr. McCollough and Mr. John Leake for your Courage to Face it.