Concerns over Cumulative Cardiotoxicity with mRNA Injection
Troponin Measurements Before and After 4th Shot Give Clues
By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
The field of pharmacovigilance and drug safety is loaded with regulatory structure and milestones. One of the exercises a new drug must go through is “cumulative toxicity” testing. If a drug is harmful, one dose may not be enough to bring out a side effect. However after 5 or more does, many times problems will emerge. It is usual and customary to count all adverse events for 30 days after a drug is stopped because it may have accumulated in the body or have induced lingering effects.
We have learned COVID-19 vaccines are very long lasting in the body, and since the start of the worldwide mass vaccination campaign, our public health agency sponsors have never mentioned cumulative toxicity as a concern.
Levi et al published an analysis in the European Journal of Heart Failure that appeared to make the COVID-19 vaccines look “safe.” But on the surface there are problems. 324 healthcare workers had cardiac troponin (test for cardiac damage) blood testing before an after the 4th injection. The authors focus on one unfortunate soul who had chest pain, a pathologic rise in troponin, and had to undergo more blood testing, ECG’s, echocardiography, and cardiac MRI. One out of 324 is far to many to have this problem with a routine vaccination!
What authors may have revealed in the cohort is cumulative cardiotoxicity. These patients were ~147 days after the last shot. Among healthy persons, we should be concerned over troponin elevated BEFORE the fourth shot.
“Twenty-one (6.48%) recipients had hs-cTn above the 99th percentile URL at the first measurement that was taken before vaccine administration. A second test of hs-cTn was measured 3.11±0.74 days after vaccination and was elevated above the 99th percentile URL in 27 (8.33%) participants”

We do not know the overlap, but it is conceivable that as many as 14.81% cumulatively sustained damage from shots 3 and 4. This is one of the reasons why the FDA was correct in their letters to the companies in August 2021, we needed prospective cohort studies early from Pfizer and Moderna measuring cardiac troponin and doing supplemental cardiac testing before and after each shot.
To date, all small prospective cohort studies have found one or more cases indicating cardiac damage: Mansanguan, Beurgin, and now Levi. Can you imagine how big this problem is in the United States where 75% of the population took one or more shots?
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Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
President, McCullough Foundation
Peter, have you seen this:
(Censored by TikTok - wonder why?)
Might be worth talking with the good Dr.
I may be misinterpreting what’s happening, but I’m seeing subtle moves all around in the direction of positioning the FDA as an innocent party in the COVID catastrophe. This cannot happen. The FDA is bought, corrupt, and essentially just another big pharma operator.