Dr. McCullough Calls for Moratorium of mRNA Vaccine Development on "Securing America" Hosted by Frank Gaffney

COVID-19 Vaccine Debacle Triggers Call for Re-Evaluation of Failing Bio-Technology

By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH

Synthetic mRNA is turning out to be a disastrous biotechnology for vaccine development. There is no “off switch” for production of dangerous antigens such as the Spike protein from SARS-CoV-2 or the hemagglutinin from influenza. There is no control over where in the body the lipid nanoparticles will deliver the dangerous genetic payload. Additionally, all cells that take up mRNA express foreign proteins on the cell surface inviting an immediate auto-immune attack on cells harboring the mRNA and it’s protein products as described by Dr. Panagis Polykretis.

Moderna and other mRNA companies are willfully blind to these biologic flaws and safety concerns. There pipeline is robust with dozens of mRNA vaccines well funded by the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex.

Moderna Pipeline accessed August 16, 2023 https://www.modernatx.com/research/product-pipeline

I had a chance towards the end of this segment of Securing America hosted by senior anchor Frank Gaffney, to make a public call for a complete moratorium on mRNA vaccines. This would put the world at ease given the recent rise of what can only be considered irrational vaccine ideology that is promoting ever greater degrees of hyper-vaccination from the day of birth to senescence.

Enjoy this 8 minute update and please be sure to share with others who are drinking the Kool-Aid and getting swept up in the hubris of mRNA vaccinology.

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Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH

President, McCullough Foundation


Polykretis P. Role of the antigen presentation process in the immunization mechanism of the genetic vaccines against COVID-19 and the need for biodistribution evaluations. Scand J Immunol. 2022 Aug;96(2):e13160. doi: 10.1111/sji.13160. Epub 2022 Mar 20. PMID: 35298029; PMCID: PMC9135042.