German "Safe and Effective" Lie Collapsing
Health Minister Lauterbach confronted with stories of gravely injured Germans.
On December 4, 2022, the German Federal Ministry of Health’s Paul Ehrlich Institute issued a report titled “Suspected Cases of Side Effects or Vaccine Complications Following Vaccination with with the omicron-adapted bivalent COVID-19 vaccines, Comirnaty Original/Omicron BA.1, Comirnaty Original/Omicron BA.4-5, Spikevax bivalent/ Omicron BA.1 (registered in Germany until October 31, 2022).”
Of particular note is the following top line in the paper’s table:
As most readers of this Substack know, Comirnaty is the advertising name of the mRNA gene transfer shot made by BioNTech Manufacturing GmbH—the German creator of the product marketed by Pfizer.
As the above table states, the “Total Number of Reports of Suspected Cases” of side effects and complications in Germany (as of last October) was 202,963.
The “Number of Reports of Suspected Cases of Serious Side Effects” was 34.315. The Comirnaty vaccine was licensed for use in Germany on December 21, 2020—less than two years before the reporting period concluded on October 31, 2022.
Readers should note that the Paul Ehrlich Institute paper only stated “reported” cases. As anyone who has seriously studied this disaster knows, the officially published “reported” cases are likely the tip of the iceberg, because our hospital systems have systematically denied that patients are suffering from severe vaccine side effects.
On March 12, German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach was interviewed by the German nonprofit, public service television station, ZDF. Anchor Christian Sievers confronted him about severe vaccine injuries, including cases of young athletes who have been disabled. As Sievers stated about injured people he had interviewed:
When one speaks with these people, one hears the opposite [of your current acknowledgement of their injuries] — a year of fighting [to be heard], always again turned away, no one granting them credibility. Many haven’t even received a reply.

Minister Lauterbach acknowledges these injuries, says he is very sorry about them, and emphasizes that the health authorities must quickly recognize them “as they slowly get a clearer picture.”
As they slowly get a clearer picture. Readers of this Substack will recall that my coauthor, Dr. McCullough, started warning about these kinds of injuries in the spring of 2021—a public service for which he has been persecuted ever since.
Immediately following Minister Lauterbach’s acknowledgement of these injuries, he tells a lie.
Serious harms are, based on data of the Paul Ehrlich Institute or the European Licensing Authority, fewer than one in ten thousand vaccinations.
As the above table, published by the Paul Ehrlich Institute, states: “serious side effects” in Germany have a reported rate of 0.25 per 1,000, or 1 per 4,000.
Moreover, as Dr. McCullough reported in his Substack post of December 4, 2022 (Found Dead at Home after COVID-19 Vaccination) a recent German autopsy study strongly suggests that true rates of vaccine severe injury and death are far higher than what Lauterbach is now acknowledging.
Nevertheless, Minister Lauterbach’s admission is a major step in the right direction. I suspect that Christian Sievers’s interview is the toughest that any health minister has been subjected to (on this subject) in any major developed country.
I encourage anyone who can understand German to watch the story and interview in full, as it is a rare example of how professional journalists SHOULD confront public officials. The neutered lapdogs who work in the Biden White House press corps could learn something from it.
The report on grave vaccine injuries, followed by Sievers’s interview of Minister Lauterbach, begins at 3:55 on the timer.
God bless you Hero Whistleblower Dr. McCullough for risking everything to bring us the truth.
You & a few other Hero Whistleblowers saved me & most of my family & friends from taking the Covid depopulation injections❣️
I know you have been demonized by the Big Pharma/Medical Cabal for speaking the truth & saving many lives & please know millions of us are so grateful to you.
We pray that Fauci, Gates, Big Pharma & the Medical Cartel are held accountable, but if not in this life then God will judge them in the next!
Yep. living in Germany i know how brain washed people are. if anyone sends me anything to read I just assume whatever the headline is the opposite is real.