High Mortality Rate with COVID-19 Vaccine Myopericarditis
Japanese Database Reports 9.6% of Symptomatic Cases are Dead 64 Days after Injection
By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
The US CDC advises on COVID-19 vaccine myopericarditis: “The severity of myocarditis and pericarditis cases can vary; most patients with myocarditis after mRNA COVID-19 vaccination have experienced resolution of symptoms by hospital discharge. CDC has published studies with clinical information about myocarditis and pericarditis after COVID-19 vaccination.”
Hospitalization is a concerning outcome for any young person after taking a vaccine that should be safe and have a meaningful health benefit. The CDC guidance does not tell Americans that myopericarditis can be fatal.

Takada et al reported from the Japanese Drug Adverse Event Database on hundreds of cases of COVID-19 vaccine myopericarditis and incorrectly concluded “overall the outcomes were good.” This can never be the conclusion when the case fatality rate was 97/1014 cases with followup out to 64 days after the shot. These data are just the tip of the iceberg since with each successive booster there is an additional ~2.5% risk of heart damage and half of cases are subclinical with late manifestations being cardiomyopathy and heart failure or sudden death.
TrialSite News first featured this paper reporting the authors conclusions and noting the high-rate of occurrence with mRNA vaccines. It later received considerable attention in the Defender Published by Children’s Health Defense. In the COVID-19 crisis we have learned to look at the data and the analyses ourselves because there are usually very important results downplayed by the authors—this time it is vaccine myopericarditis mortality. A 9.6% case fatality rate for a vaccine side effect largely in young healthy men is astronomical and clinically unacceptable.
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Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
President, McCullough Foundation
Would be happy to share the story and photos of my previously fit and healthy 25 yr old son 15 weeks post heart transplantation, 2 yrs post cardiac arrest (6 mths post 2nd Pfizer Comirnaty). ECMO, LVAD, Rt heart ECMO, 6 open chest procedures. Still battling.
“Correlation doesn’t equal causation “ and “benefit outways risk” and “safe and effective”- please don’t insult me anymore.
Brisbane, Australia
I don’t expect any legitimate information coming out from the CDC. At this point, not only about covid or the vax, but about anything. And I wonder how many people would take the vax if they were told ahead of time that potentially almost 10% of them would actually pass away from heart problems due to the shot?