
The Battle Between Freethinkers and Censors Rages On

A symposium about a perennial conflict.

By John Leake

The Epoch Times just just published a report on the so-called Twitter Files revealing the shocking extent of the social media platform’s censorship program, with Dr. Peter McCullough a primary target.

The report reminded me of an audio-visual symposium on Censorship and Reprisal that Dr. McCullough and I produced last summer. Our initial concept for the conversation was that it would be the first in a series about CIVICS sponsored by the McCullough Foundation. Shortly after we shot and edited it, we got sidetracked by other endeavors and adversaries, and set the project aside.

The release of the “Twitter Files” seems a fitting occasion for publishing this conversation about the perennial conflict between freethinkers and censors. We hope our Substack readers will find it engaging and informative, and we welcome your critical feedback.