The mRNA-LNP Vaccines - the Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Scathing Review from Thomas Jefferson University Questions the Dangerous Mechanism of Action of mRNA Vaccines
By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
For years I have been wondering when institutional scientists would break rank with the orthodoxy and publish on the COVID-19 vaccine debacle and particularly the failure of mRNA as an immunization platform.
Igyarto and Qin from the Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA, United States, published a pointed review on the topic in Frontiers in Immunology questioning the idea of giving synthetic genetic code within a lipid nanoparticle particularly when the code was for the Spike protein which is highly pathogenic and at the same time, was known to mutate rapidly. Thus the vaccines from the start from a mechanistic perspective were doomed to be unsafe and ineffective because SARS-CoV-2 strains would easily emerge to coexist within the hosts who have been injected with the non-sterilizing vaccines.
How safe and effective are the mRNA-LNP vaccines?
“The mRNA-LNP COVID-19 vaccines, based on early analysis of the clinical trial data, were deemed safe and effective across demographics (45, 46). However, recent peer-reviewed research studies, a wide variety of continuously increasing case reports, and publicly available adverse events databases cast doubts on the safety and effectiveness of these products.”
“Thus, these data suggest that these vaccines’ efficacy in decreasing disease severity and death might lie with their previously undiscovered immune suppressive characteristics. These findings further highlight the need for rigorous pre-clinical studies to limit potential unexpected consequences for novel platforms.”
In the central figure, despite vaccine safety data systems being grossly underutilized and cases under-reported, the authors demonstrate a several logarithmic fold increase (compared to all other vaccines) in a wheel or giant array of serious adverse events and deaths.

Look for more papers like this from academic medical centers in higher impact journals over time. The dam is cracked and more scientists will be coming over to the right side of history.
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Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
President, McCullough Foundation
The silence from the medical community, save for the courageous few, is deafening.
Thank God for the courageous few.
Thank you again Dr McCullough. I'm sure you're familiar with Dr Mike Yeadon who, since early 2020, has been publishing precisely this observation: that the spike protein platform of this injectabke product is the smoking gun proof of intentionally evil design whose singular purpose is to create massive harm to the human race.
I'm not a fan of conspiracy theories in general because they so easily become bottomless rabbit holes driven by emotion.
But, what are your thoughts on this position by Dr Yeadon?