The Spirit that Constantly Negates
All major public policy issues today are driven by the same reckless, destructive, and mendacious apparatus.
On a trip to Washington D.C. last fall, I posted a late night musing on the character of Mephistopheles in Goethe’s Faust, who introduces himself as follows:
I am the spirit that constantly negates!
And rightly so; for everything that comes into being,
Deserves to perish;
It would be better if nothing came into being.
Everything that you call sin,
Destruction, and evil,
Is my true element.
In recent weeks I have felt compelled to write more about general spiritual, ethical, and political matters instead of remaining focused on the COVID-19 pandemic response, which is the subject of the book I coauthored with Dr. McCullough and the original subject matter of this Substack.
A few commentators have responded with the commonplace exhortation, “Stay in your lane”—that is, to remain strictly focused on the pandemic response and the fraudulent COVID-19 vaccines, and refrain from indulging in political reflections.
While I appreciate the value of focus, such a focus ignores the glaring fact that the pandemic response was heavily politicized. Indeed, the evidence strongly supports the conclusion that the pandemic response was far more about entrenched financial and political interests than it was about science and medicine. The pandemic response was driven by the same reckless, destructive, boundlessly greedy, and mendacious oligarchy that is driving every other major public policy issue.
In short, the United States government has been captured by financial, military, and Bio-Pharmaceutical interests that do NOT represent the interests of the majority of American people. The same propaganda machine that brainwashed the public about COVID-19 has brainwashed the public about pretty much everything else.
The clearest evidence of this is that with every CRISIS and CONFLICT with which we are beset, our federal apparatus generates tens of billions of dollars out of thin air and transfers it to the oligarchic interests (and their lobbyists) who have set up their shops in Washington.
Most nations' governments were in near-prefect lockstep in their covid responses. This fact alone tells me the response was orchestrated by a single agency. I believe (but cannot prove for certain) that agency was an alliance of globalists - in particular the Rockefeller Foundation, WEF, Gates, with a lot of on-the-ground action from globalist corporations BlackRock and Vanguard.
Pharma and the WHO are tools of those globalists, doing their part in this operation.
Then there is the role of the US DoD, as reported by several people who provided contracts and emails as evidence.
Most likely, there are a few other key players.
I get dizzy sometimes trying to piece this jigsaw puzzle together, identifying all the players, and especially the hierarchy and "organizational structure" of these players.
I'd REALLY like to see accurate organization and flow charts of the agency(ies) behind this operation.
So true. DON'T stay in your lane! LOL.