Trust in Doctors Plummets During the COVID-19 Pandemic: 50-State Survey of US Adults
Failure to Treat Early at Home and Pushing Unsafe Ineffective Vaccines at Root Cause
By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
Patients from all over the country fly in for appointments in my DFW office. When I ask them why have you come from so far? The most common answer I get is “I don’t trust my doctors anymore.” Patients feel burned by doctors who refused to prescribe medications in the McCullough Protocol featured by the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons since October of 2020. Some ended up being hospitalized for lack of early treatment and sadly some loved ones died because of therapeutic nihilism. But the capper was the relentless push with novel, genetic, unsafe and ineffective COVID-19 vaccines. Most will never forgive their doctors, mid-level providers, and nurses for lifelong injuries and disabilities resulting from COVID-19 vaccination. Many physicians have not apologized despite the obvious errors in medical judgment.

Data from Perlis et al support this sentiment from internet surveys conducted between April 1, 2020, and January 31, 2024, among 443,455 unique respondents aged 18 years or older residing in the US, with state-level representative quotas for race and ethnicity, age, and gender. Overall, the proportion of adults reporting a lot of trust for physicians and hospitals decreased from 71.5% (95% CI, 70.7%-72.2%) in April 2020 to 40.1% (95% CI, 39.4%-40.7%) in January 2024. Wisely declining COVID-19 vaccination and boosters was strongly associated with loss of trust.
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Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
President, McCullough Foundation
I'm Australian and, from what I see on Facebook and Facebook Messenger, a lot of my fellow citizens don't trust the gov or the medical profession. As for me, I want to find a new GP but I doubt that there would be one who didn't try to throw us under the bus. I sent research papers to my own GP as I had watched Prof Sucharit Bhakdi's warning video (watched it 5 times to understand it properly!) then went to see him with the recommendations from the Frontline Doctors in the US (hope I have that name correct). I had everything except Ivermectin and it hadn't yet been banned here. I asked for a prescription and he pushed the sheet of paper about the Frontline Doctors back across the desk and said "Not possible. Get vaccinated." My husband was trying to recover from surgery and radiation for aggressive prostate cancer and was on a testosterone blocker. He has two heart valve leaks also.
We didn't get "vaccinated" and we didn't catch Covid. I'm 74 and he is 71. We took NAC, Vit D3 etc. I'm still so furious I can hardly stand to look at the GP nowadays. Erin Neill PhD
The medical community exposed themselves as untrustworthy.