β€œAn educated citizenry is a vital requisite for our survival as a free people.”

- Thomas Jefferson

We fund public education, university studies, invested billions and billions, hundreds of billions of dollars, trillions of dollars actually, at institution after institution after institution of education, kindergarten through higher learning over the years to protect freedom. That quote of Jefferson's is the actual basis of public education funding in this country. Those words used to justify the establishment of public education at every level in this nation, in every jurisdiction, and the taxation to fund it - for that reason, our survival as a free people. Not to make expert workers to fill each cog in the wheels of production and business enterprise, deferring every area outside our expertise to the hands of other "experts." Which is what public education has been hijacked and repurposed to produce.

Public education is to teach and learn, to learn how to learn and reason within our own common sense. So we don't believe absurdities as spun by a King's court of chosen "experts." And become subjects of a ruler again. Jefferson's vision was to have us immunized to absurdities by teaching us how to learn and think for ourselves, become our own experts in any discipline. It's why we are taught core basics no matter what we specialize in. To learn the basics of other fields so we may learn more about them if others claiming to know more in their specialization tell us we must follow their commands. So we have the tools available to validate or discredit their commands.

We tax and spend all of the money for education to prevent what's happened and is continuing to happen. Today those who seek to rule over subjects spend our tax monies on public education to learn how to rule us, not to ensure we remain free; the opposite of Jefferson's vision.

The "experts" applying their expertise are manufacturing the consent of once-free people to "follow the science" into servitude under totalitarianism. A "soft tyranny" is the goal of would-be kings wielding their chosen "experts" the people are supposed to trust as a means to their power. Against everything that Jefferson and those who shared the same understanding envisioned when he made the case for funding public education.

So it falls upon us to do our best to educate. Freedom has called us to be the educators. Thomas Jefferson knew and told us. We forgot. Happy Birthday, Thomas Jefferson! The best gift we can give him is to apply his wisdom and teach others.

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Very difficult to persuade those who have been taught not to think. None so blind as those who will not see. Must teach our own children, from the start.

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Yes. The children are the key. Which is why these would-be rulers are trying to wrestle them away from their parents. And have resorted to abusing and terrorizing them, accustomizing them to be subjects who are ruled, who do not question. They rule over adults with displays of hard power, force of the police state. By indoctrinating children they will be able to rule over them with soft power, manipulation, coercion, nudge. They don't care if they win our hearts and minds, they just want our obedience. They are after the hearts and minds of the children, trained to prefer their shackles and cages.

That said, we cannot quit on those who have been taught not to think. We must develop strategies to reach them, even those who have been blinded. It requires study and work on our part. The resource link below, 'Reaching People,' has a series of writings, and many especially helpful videos on how to do just that. We mustn't quit on our family, friends, colleagues and neighbors. We can't. Not if we truly love them. We must give ourselves the tools to reach them. If we truly care to.


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Thank you. We must keep belonging to each other no matter what. That is what will conquer this death wish. Our efforts at loving.

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Totally agree!!

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Education should never be funded publicly. The current result of doing so is evident. They teach pornagraphy and CRT while ignoring reading, math and critical thinking. It is the responsibility of each family to provide education for their children. Either through homeschooling or private schools that they can monitor.

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I invite you to read Thomas Jefferson's vision of publicly funded education. It looks nothing like what it has become. The real problems of public education today would never have been allowed to happen if Jefferson's model had not been abandoned. Education today is a perversion of his vision. A dirty, rotten, decadent and decaying perversion.



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My own experience with public education was disappointing. What did I learn? Nothing particularly useful to understanding why women employees were not promoted and given raises appropriate to their contributions, or why I could not afford to buy a house, or the lie in trickle-down economics, or . . . My criticisms grow yearly, as I see the missed opportunities. I have had to educate myself, but now I am in my 70s. And still more to learn.

So, yes, public education is needed, but it must not be form over content.

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Check out Hillsdale College. They have a free online course on the Constitution. By the way, if possible, consider donating to the college as I do and support their efforts to assist charter schools. https://online.hillsdale.edu/?_gl=1*1irwepe*_ga*MjU0ODU5OTI3LjE2ODEyMTk3MDI.*_ga_FBJP6CFLDM*MTY4MTQwNDUwMy4zLjAuMTY4MTQwNDUxMi41MS4wLjA.#home

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I also contribute to Hillsdale.

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Checking it out, looks good!

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Signed. Thanks for sharing! Don’t let rubenstein and the GAE continue to desecrate our founding fathers: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/presidentsday

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The link to the petition is not currently working. I get the "Forbidden 403" message.

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Read "Thomas Paine: Author of the Declaration of Independence" by Joseph Lewis and/or listen to https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/peacerevolution/episodes/2014-11-21T06_02_35-08_00 and jump to 1:50:00 timestamp to listen to the lecture by Andrew Galambos explaining Paine's authorship of the Declaration of Independence.

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Great citation!

More of Thomas Paine's writings:

Common sense, Rights of man, and other essential writings of Thomas Paine


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Tried signing. Link went to 403: Forbidden. Please check the link, thanks for your efforts.

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Apparently, β€œWater the Tree of Liberty” is forbidden on sites, as in β€œthe tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants”....

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I want to point out that our Supreme Court refused to uphold the Constitution. Presented with a petition from many states regarding the swing states that illegally changed their election laws for the 2020 election, to benefit one party, to make cheating easier, and to throw the election, the Supreme Court said, "No Standing". They refused to even hear the case, even though every state and American did have standing, since everyone was effected by the election. The proper remedy that the Supreme Court could have offered, was the nullification of those states certification of the election and require new elections, with rules that are Constitutional. An excellent examination of this was done by Mark Levin, a Constitutional scholar.

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The Chief Justice (and most SCOTUS justices, R and D appointees) is (are) guided by Behavioral Sciences to determine law much more than they are guided by the US Constitution. Roberts cited Health Affairs, a very influential behavioral health publication to decide that Obamacare (ACA) was constitutional.

About Health Affairs:


But, Behavioral Science is "The Science of Totalitarianism":

Use of fear to control behaviour in Covid crisis was β€˜totalitarian’, admit scientists

UK Telegraph, May 14, 2021


The visionary legal professor and philosopher, Walter Berns, pointed out the hazards of lawmaking and jurisprudence based on Behavioral Sciences in 1963:

Law and Behavioral Science


"Doubtless there have been "phenomenal technical and scientific" advances during the past century, as Beutel says, and that there is a "social lag"; and perhaps it is true that the "general science and art of lawmaking" has not developed "since the days of the Roman Empire";" but this is no reason for law to imitate physics or engineering. On the contrary, a grasp of the fundamental problems might reveal that there is an irresolvable tension between science, in its old or its new sense, and politics, and that any attempt to resolve the tension is likely to have terrible consequences in the political world; that the political world must be ruled not by science but by prudence., This requires at a minimum the recognition that there will always be a "gap" between theory and practice, and that the recalcitrant or intractable political problems cannot be wholly resolved-at least, not by a government of free men. True, Socrates said that "cities will never have rest from their evils no, nor the human race ... until philosophers are kings, or the kings and princes of this world have the spirit and power of philosophy"; but Socrates, who failed even in his attempt to rule his wife, Xanthippe, knew and taught that it is extremely unlikely that the conditions required for the rule of the wise will ever be met. As Leo Strauss has said:

"What is more likely to happen is that an unwise man, appealing to the natural right of wisdom [to rule] and catering to the lowest desires of the many, will persuade the multitude of his right: the prospects for tyranny are brighter than those for rule of the wise. This being the case, the natural right of the wise must be questioned, and the indispensable requirement for wisdom must be qualified by the requirement for consent. The political problem consists in reconciling the requirement for wisdom with the requirement for consent."

Legal scholars, and even practicing lawyers, know these exceedingly important things; they therefore have more to teach to the new scientists than the new scientists have to teach them."

It's odious to the US Constitution for citizens to be ruled by applied behavioral sciences rather than the plain language of our contract between state and citizens. Only jurisprudence using tortured logic and linguistic gymnastics allow "following the best science" to supersede our rights as free citizens enshrined in the Constitution. Following The Science of Totalitarianism into the subjugation and mental enslavement of once free people isn't just unconstitutional, it's anti-constitutional.

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Herein lies the problem. Each and every Justice as sworn in swears to uphold the Constitution. If they are guided by "Behavioral Sciences", then they are not doing their job, they're traitors to our country, their "word of honor" means nothing, they're committed a great crime. Roberts has been viewed this way since the Obamacare debacle by most Constitutionalists. The Court has made many incorrect rulings, it almost looks like 50% as of late. Most notorious, was upholding the mNRA experimental drugs mandated to be injected into unwilling Americans, they did this several times.

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True. But because they are talented linguists they can spin word salads to make any ruling "fit" into the Constitution. The are the masters of Orwellian doublespeak. It's why they were appointed. Lauded for their language agility.

Both sides of the aisle. Justice Sotomayer is connected to the most proficient practitioners of the Behavioral Sciences, similarly informed as to its role in the law as Roberts. This one is a less direct path, but follow along.

Cass Sunstein, is the US co-author of "Nudge" which led to the creation of the first behavioral science team in the US:




Cass Sunstein has had an outsized role in two administrations, Obama and Biden:


He mentored an important character in this cast of manipulators, Jessica Hertz. A behaviorist and an attorney. Note: Staff Secretary is arguably the most powerful role in an administration - John Podesta held it under Clinton:




Hertz is now back in Big Tech at Shopify as Counsel and on their DC lobbying team. And, as promised, this path leads to Justice Sotomayer, who presided over her wedding:


Many characters in many, many positions of influence. Weaponized Behavioral Science. To effect a coup d'etat against the United States by altering the minds of our nation's people. The Science (TM) we've been instructed to follow. Ordered to follow. Straight to totalitarianism.

Unless enough of us refuse to comply.

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Sotomayer, the "wise Latina" and Brown, diversity hires, and everyone knows it. Thanks for all the links, a lot to cover.

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Yes. Lots. Fire hydrants are hard to drink from. :)

And this quickie, a Harvard Law school student organization called LaBS, Law and Behavioral Science. The website looks dated, last activity in 2021. But an interesting reveal in who the board members were and their backgrounds:


You'll find connections to the previously mentioned Cass Sunstein, and his ignominious wife, Samantha Power, another Behaviorist heading USAID now, a global wrecking ball to nations the US regime wishes to topple. She's a whole other rabbit hole to go down.

Law is being rapidly reimagined and constructed by Behavioral Science, just as Walter Berns cautioned against sixty years ago. At Harvard Law school and other top elite law schools. Training future jurists how to enforce totalitarianism that is patently anti-constitutional. Protectors of The Homeland, as jurists considered themselves under the Third Reich:


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They're good at word salad to fit the constitution, because they are lawyers and lawyers can confuse anybody.

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It's often been advised that aspiring lawyers major in English. To learn words. Linguistics. The larger your vocabulary, the greater your understanding of the rules of language, grammar, nuance, ambiguity, etc the better you become at tossing word salads. The most proficient become Master Word Culinary Artists. And become judges.

There's also advice that more simple, uneducated people share. The more word salads full of big words, nuance and ambiguity the more you can be sure you're listening to a liar. You might not know or understand much that's being said. But you know it's probably a lie. Simple people understand simple truth, possess an intelligence that "sophisticated" educated people lack. And don't talk themselves into believing absurdities.

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Signed and shared. Thank you.

Lost my ability to comment on yt, again.


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Your hero's are people who enslaved people and tortured and raped people. It speaks volumes on your inner character. These are not my hero's - these are mass murderers.

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SLAVERY EXISTED THROUGHOUT ALL KNOWN HUMAN TIME, and continuing into 19th Century; THE WHOLE WORLD WAS PRACTICING SLAVERY. Thomas Sowell, on youTube, is an excellent source for the truth of World History for those having an open mind to really learn, Professor.


Unlike the Muslims in the Arab world, America rarely castrated slaves, as there are black people in America via reproduction today. Arabs were immune from malaria and other tropical diseases which enabled them to ENSLAVE AT LEAST 50% more Africans than the Western Hemisphere. Europeans DID NOT ENTER INTO AFRICA AS THEY DID CONTRACT TROPICAL DISEASES AND DIED WITHIN DAYS OF ENTERING INTO THE INTERIOR.

The Muslims castrated black people when slaves and took the women as concubines. To this day there are very few black people throughout the Arab World as women were ONLY allowed to reproduce with those of Middle Eastern genetics. Odd how black people NOW wish to be Muslim when those were the people truly cruel.

While it's a fact of SOME in the founding generation to own slaves; it's more ACCURATE TO SAY even Free Black people owned slaves and black people fought in every war in the U.S. from the beginning and also helped to form this country LONG BEFORE SKIN COLOR MATTERED. Skin shade only began to matter after the Civil War when Southern Democrats began the KKK and Jim Crow B.S.

Don't know anybody enslaved and certainly don't know anybody owning slaves...Don't feel guilt for anything coming before and will accept no attribution/blame for the past having nothing to do with me or anybody alive today even though there's certainty for some in this family to have once owned slaves. If you're a black person and a Professor; you've excelled and have been successful...As a Mutt including Native American blood; I will continue to be proud of the IDEOLOGY CREATING A COUNTRY WHERE PEOPLE LITERALLY DIED GRUESOME AND HORRID DEATHS TO END SLAVERY and though it's not perfect and never can be as nothing on Earth is perfect...We ALL MUST TRY.

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I actually agree with much you have shared and appreciate your mature point of view. We know castration was practiced in the American enslavement system and to compare the numbers with the Arabs is pointless. The practice of castration is well documented as was relentless beatings, murder, child torture and rape, and much more...Europeans seek to recuse themselves from responsibility or involvement but clearly benefit today from the brutal enslavement period and were also the benefactors of welfare and land grants and favorable white nationalistic laws (Jim Crow). The indigenous and the aboriginal and the imported Africans suffer to this day by the imposed conditions that were inflicted by the European, yet the Europeans act as if everything is fine and that it was "long ago" and "pull yourselves up by your boot straps." Escaping responsibility will not cure or resolve anything. The deep seeded psychosis caused by a people on another people requires serious and honest rebuking and repair and justice.

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SELDOM was castration practiced in the U.S. since Slave Owners preferred Offspring to increase their wealth...As we're all aware. Indeed, a branch of my own family did own slaves and WEALTH WAS THE ABIDING PRIMARY PRINCIPLE of Slavery in the U.S...Not purity of genetics as for the Arabs...Until eugenics beginning in the 1920's which is the factor of the Nazi Germans, the current Han Dynasty of China's CCP and that which is the original ideology creating today's genocide of ALL PEOPLE THROUGHOUT THE WORLD.

Am DONE with the Satanic Slavery issue lasting throughout all time. Slavery is NOT institutionalized; nor accepted. Nobody has been a slave owner or a slave for 150 years. There is no legal Slave Owner or a Slave although gossip has it about the Ruling Class trafficking Sex Slaves and Pedophilia. Those are the issues possible to CHANGE. Nobody today is responsible for anything of the past...Therefore, there is simply no responsibility to have. At any and all times EVERY SINGLE PERSON IN THIS WORLD has had ancestors as slaves and my indiginous ancestors on the East Coast were among the first tortured and murdered by Europeans. Should anybody wish to do anything about slavery...Dealing with the Slave Trade at the Southern Border and throughout the rest of the world PRACTICED AT THIS TIME IS THE ONLY ANSWER. Can't change the past. CAN CHANGE TODAY AND TOMORROW. That's the END OF STORY.

Congratulations on your success in the United States of America...It could NOT have happened anywhere else in the world for either of us. Life is hard for everybody and those rising above to succeed not only are intelligent, they also are lucky, determined and resilient. Time for the "Racism Cult" to end as religion as there is a far worse enemy seeking absolute rule of the whole globe based upon all the evil errors of the past. We would all be wise to take heed and unite to fight regression into Absolute Power of the Ruling Class.

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Indeed. When i read the history of the Canadian region’s native people starving and murdering each other out so painfully, it was my redpilling. And disgusting!

How weak we have become, ripe for the plucking by the socialists.

Humans need to face their own inner tendency to evil.

I will struggle to pull the plank out of my own eye before suggesting everyone else pull the sliver from theirs.

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At the time of the most slaves held in the United States, only about 3% of Americans actually owned a slave.

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Which enriched a system that benefited one racial group over another. It created a system of winners and losers. Laws were created to benefit the winners and dominate and control the losers.

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Thank you for posting this. I just read through the DOI Project website.

My critique is this... "Independence from What?" If you read the original DOI in full, you find that there are the principles of independence on one hand, and there is the historical context within which those principles were applied on the other. In the case of 1776, my understanding of history is that the signatories to the DOI were declaring independence from a political tyranny and an economic empire.

It is not clear from reading the DOI Project what exactly we are declaring independence from. If there is no clear analysis of what we are declaring independence from and specific actions that should follow, then all you have is empty political sloganeering that any grifting politician or cause can get behind and say "Yes! I'm for good things and against bad things!" And the grift continues.

Delivering a statement to politicians about how we're for good things and against bad things is not the move. They already know we think they are corrupt. Most of them know they are corrupt. We can do better.

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Yes, the message could be refined and clarified. My friend wishes to invoke Jefferson and the DOI as a reminder to Congress that people, may, in the course of history, get fed up with their government and declare independence from it IF the government doesn't shape up.

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I think the Establishment is getting the message that they are losing the "consent of the governed". That's why they've pivoted to the propaganda construct about "protecting democracy" and "domestic extremists". The messaging, education and organizing efforts need to be directed toward our fellow citizens at the grassroots level, not the puppet politicians. 9 out of 10 politicians are motivated by greed and fear. They are not going to listen until they believe that the people have the power to vote them out of office. And as long as people don't understand the true nature of the Power they're up against, what the fighting demands are and what action to take... all you have is empty slogans.

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Went to Military School just on the other side of the mountain.

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He was, I believe a Freemason.

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Don't be so fatalistic; "the state becomes too powerful, unchecked, secretive, and unmoored from vigilant oversight." "If" is irrelevant when an indicative statement follow it.

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