I learned from Dr. Zelenko on a Dr. Mercola podcast that Dr. Ralph Baric, who was instrumental in gain of function research wrote a paper a few years back where he described that virus could be killed inside a cell by zinc but needed an “ionosphore” to allow it in. I didn’t read the paper, but I understand that hydroxychloroquine was pretty well known at the time and perhaps they discovered ivermectin would work as well. It’s notable how hard the Deep State worked to stop Drs from prescribing these drugs for COVID. Obvious evidence to me that they were aware that they at least could work. Also implies that they intended to kill as many people as possible by preventing their use.
Hopefully evidence will be revealed in today's Twitter file dump that Big Pharma and the US government/FDA knew that if Hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin successfully treated Covid 19 then the EUA could NOT be approved.
I’m waiting for when the drug companies are in court trying to justify their experimental jabs and accompanying deaths/maimings, when there is a patent in the US patent office (owned by the government and Moderna, that is for killing all viruses known to man (except Ebola). (Can’t say they didn’t know)
Same as the bird flu folks trying to justify their vax’s.
And can’t for the life of me understand why the birds are not given zinc with an ionophore. (Ivermectin, hydroxychoriquin,quercetin,large doses of vitamin C)(those are just the mild ones that i know.
(I think it was patented to cover their a sses incase they were busted for their gain of function dangers. They can say, look they’re not dangerous, zinc kills them if it gets into the nucleus of a cell)
Yes. I’ve been taking Quercetin, along with vitamin D, glycine, and NAC for 3 years (and have high levels of zinc in my water) and have not had one cold/virus symptom this whole time. Incredible stuff.
UK, Wife and I have been taking VitD4000iu`s and 100mg zinc for last 3.5 years, colds last just hours.. For years I have suffered severe sore throats each and every year, not had one since taking VitD and Zinc sulphate. UK NHS directions to UK Doctors, Quote: Do not use VitD, ivermectin, Doxycycline to treat Covid. HCQ was banned for off label use in early 2020.
no, not squat, kill Americans off and replace us with controllable masses who don't have guns, eliminate culture so world control can be achieved by the WEF through the use of WHO and UN/ NATO.
In Japan, the government permits Ivermectin to be used for other purposes, but Merck's Japanese subsidiary spitefully refuses to ship it. Therefore, individuals rely on imports from India. This is Merck to sell Molnupiravir (MK-4482) aka Laghebrio. About 600$ for 5 days once. Big American(may include other countries) pharmaceuticals are really bad.
Molnupiravir has been proven to cause DNA mutations in mammalian cell cultures!
There are even teratogenic side effects.
Mornupiravir, the covid-19 antiviral drug purchased by the UK government for 2.23 million doses, is no better than placebo in lowering the risk of death and hospitalization, a pivotal UK trial has found.
I learned for the first time at the end of last year that Pfizer has created a health promotion foundation in Japan, and has doctors who receive money from Pfizer hold lectures for ordinary doctors to promote vaccination. In November they gave a lecture in a town 20km from our house. I have no choice but to guess that the attendees will have transportation expenses and souvenirs.
"Most of the drug regulatory agencies in each country rely on pharmaceutical companies."
Almost no one is aware of that fact, but it has been known since the early 1960s. John Lear, a science editor for the Saturday Review, wrote about that and many other serious problems with big pharma at that time.
Looking at the familiar names of the 'periodical authors' in that magazine: Bennett Cerf! James Morley! Louis Untermeyer! (who edited the first book of poetry I was given). I was only 10 at the time. Thank you for this bit of 'way-back machine'.
I don't know if you saw Biden asking for more money for covid shots and then saying everyone will get them regardless if they're previously vaccinated or not.
They just took a bath on the last shipments. I think the zombies were the only ones who 'recieved' it. They 'sold' less than 10% of the shipments. (I hate their terminology. Sick stuff to shift various and sundry blame.)
The only thing that matters is that those who never did, should never trust any injection again.
We will know in 3-5 years who did get an active jab, and who didn't. I imagine the saline pallets were part of the game to get shots in arms without a huge death rate in the beginning. Once it was mandatory, I hope they got even more cautious. But, now, every one of the jabs will be 'hot.'
Don't play the roulette game. And pray those you love got either a deactivated jab (from mishandling, warming, mixed too long, etc) or a saline. Because, I fear all those whose jab was 'hot,' will have to fight hard to live longer than another 3 or 4 years. (So, I guess, we pay all our money and bury them, too.)
I’m waiting for when the drug companies are in court trying to justify their experimental jabs and accompanying deaths/maimings, when there is a patent in the US patent office (owned by the government and Moderna, that is for killing all viruses known to man (except Ebola). (Can’t say they didn’t know)
Same as the bird flu folks trying to justify their vax’s.
And can’t for the life of me understand why the birds are not given zinc with an ionophore. (Ivermectin, hydroxychoriquin,quercetin,large doses of vitamin C)(those are just the mild ones that i know.
(I think it was patented to cover their a sses incase they were busted for their gain of function dangers. They can say, look they’re not dangerous, zinc kills them if it gets into the nucleus of a cell)
I don't think it's implied at this point. It is simply true. The whole Eugenics-Bill Gates-depopulation-WEF-China-Blackrock-totalitarian rule is no longer a right-wing conspiracy theory. It's just fact.
They are taking us out. No more time to debate it, it's now or never.
Read this. You should be prepared to keep yourself healthy and virus free. Look up nebulizing (fine spray) and this.
I’m waiting for when the drug companies are in court trying to justify their experimental jabs and accompanying deaths/maimings, when there is a patent in the US patent office (owned by the government and Moderna, that is for killing all viruses known to man (except Ebola). (Can’t say they didn’t know)
Same as the bird flu folks trying to justify their vax’s.
And can’t for the life of me understand why the birds are not given zinc with an ionophore. (Ivermectin, hydroxychoriquin,quercetin,large doses of vitamin C)(those are just the mild ones that i know.
(I think it was patented to cover their a sses incase they were busted for their gain of function dangers. They can say, look they’re not dangerous, zinc kills them if it gets into the nucleus of a cell)
The health laws state that a vaccine is not needed, nor encouraged, nor will be 'recommended,' when other, cheaper treatments are available. That's why they would not allow any effective treatments to be 'discovered.'
They wanted the warp speed 'new tech' (over 20 years of testing old, but who cares about facts) vaccine being the prize. They needed an EUA to get it into arms. It could not pass FDA 'testing' to be approved for ANY use, because the test subjects mostly just died. A cattleman's report said they gave it to a herd. 30% died immediately, 30% died within hours, the rest died within weeks.
Now, you know why. Patents owned by the pharma companies and Fauci, at least. Who knows who else in the NIH, CDC, FDA, etc.
I’m waiting for when the drug companies are in court trying to justify their experimental jabs and accompanying deaths/maimings, when there is a patent in the US patent office (owned by the government and Moderna, that is for killing all viruses known to man (except Ebola). (Can’t say they didn’t know)
Same as the bird flu folks trying to justify their vax’s.
And can’t for the life of me understand why the birds are not given zinc with an ionophore. (Ivermectin, hydroxychoriquin,quercetin,large doses of vitamin C)(those are just the mild ones that i know.
(I think it was patented to cover their a sses incase they were busted for their gain of function dangers. They can say, look they’re not dangerous, zinc kills them if it gets into the nucleus of a cell)
Dr Sircus got Omicron really bad and none of the alternative protocols worked for him, he was just getting sicker and sicker. A link to his story is in this report. I use MMS for every kind of infection and I always have success. It’s incredible. It can take down Big Pharma. THE GREAT AWAKENING WITH THE CURE:
Will the MMS dissolve the Plastic clots? Dr. Ana says EDTA will, and Karen Kingston says it's in the patents that EDTA will dissolve them. I'm willing to try EDTA in capsule form, even though I have contact allergies and that is one of my allergens, according to the patch test. Can't get any exact instructions on taking it though, since Dr. Ana recommends the IV Chelation method. Nobody here in this town to administer that, so has to be capsules; she says some kind of minerals with it, but never can catch exactly what. I ordered both parts of the MMS, but haven't tried it yet...taking so much else, that all seems to be taken on an empty stomach, but not together. Let me know about the MMS effect on the rubbery clots, please...or any other suggestions. They tricked us seniors about getting the shots, but we stopped with the first 2. I know even the unvaxxed have the rubbery clots now, so we will have to continue to detox, because we will never stay clean. They have been getting it into us from everywhere...plus the shedding continues from the family members who won't even try to detox. Got that going on here, myself.
Amen. I think that because he had a hobby of investing things and discovered this patent that he may like this comment.
I’m waiting for when the drug companies are in court trying to justify their experimental jabs and accompanying deaths/maimings, when there is a patent in the US patent office (owned by the government and Moderna, that is for killing all viruses known to man (except Ebola). (Can’t say they didn’t know)
Same as the bird flu folks trying to justify their vax’s.
And can’t for the life of me understand why the birds are not given zinc with an ionophore. (Ivermectin, hydroxychoriquin,quercetin,large doses of vitamin C)(those are just the mild ones that i know.
(I think it was patented to cover their a sses incase they were busted for their gain of function dangers. They can say, look they’re not dangerous, zinc kills them if it gets into the nucleus of a cell)
Force the fraud Christopher Hickie MD PhD to post his CV and current employers and other conflicts of interest. Should also demand to know whether the institutions allegedly bestowing him an MD and a PhD really did. Dox him!
Why do you say that? did you know him? or is this because of his protocol? Curious what it is about him that you so dislike that you use such a strong word.
Why would you say that, he developed a quick protocol to help people treating themselves and preventing getting sick? He also treated many elderly and saved their lives, how does that make him scum? Or are you worried about your investments?
Yep you need either Quercetin with zinc, HCQ with zinc, or Ivermectin not sure if Ivermectin needs zinc or not but the other 2 open up the cells so the zinc can get in and do its job to heal the person.
I’m waiting for when the drug companies are in court trying to justify their experimental jabs and accompanying deaths/maimings, when there is a patent in the US patent office (owned by the government and Moderna, that is for killing all viruses known to man (except Ebola). (Can’t say they didn’t know)
Same as the bird flu folks trying to justify their vax’s.
And can’t for the life of me understand why the birds are not given zinc with an ionophore. (Ivermectin, hydroxychoriquin,quercetin,large doses of vitamin C)(those are just the mild ones that i know.
(I think it was patented to cover their a sses incase they were busted for their gain of function dangers. They can say, look they’re not dangerous, zinc kills them if it gets into the nucleus of a cell).
Simone Gold turned out to be a con artist. Check out the lawsuit that AFLDs has against her. She used their money to buy a mansion and several cars and to hire her own staff for her new medical enterprise. She has taken their logins and stolen the organisation!
Yeah, it is possible her board was infiltrated. She started a Telmed service to help people early on, she was attacked from day one. If what they said is true then if she took the money from a 501c3 she will have to account for it., but she didnt have trouble on the board until she served her time in prison for 30 days, it was while she was gone "that the board blew up", she is suing them back and it is still tied up in the courts.
Where? There is no such indication of any sort of lawsuit, nor any indication that the events portrayed by your accusations ever occurred. Source it or GTFO.
They, or at least way too many of them, are either rank cowards or full blown traitors to our Nation, imo. That inside the Beltway Bubble is very, very real- "So For Me, but, Not For Thee!"
We need to get a lot smarter about whom we elect, what "medicine" we take, who we purchase our products from, where we invest, and what we read or watch. And especially how we pay our bills!
If we, the People, set ourselves "straight" in all those categories, this "war" would be won OVERNIGHT!
Of course they did! And they’re infected with a lot more than CONvid! They’re infected with power, control and insatiable tyranny! When the majority of people finally understand what these monsters have done thus far, these tyrants aren’t going to like the reaction. Harm to a loved one with intent really sucks on a karmic level, in my humble opinion.
Not the link to the quoted source, but nonetheless a link to a paper from 2010 indicating that Zn ions plus Zn ionophores) are inhibitors of viral RdRp, that is, inhibitor of RNA replication:
Ivermectin and Hydroxy can be obtained in Mexico without a prescription. About $15 per treatment. I bought two treatments in Nogales to have on hand just in case.
Over the counter in Costa Rica too.. thats where I initially got my HCQ. The pharmacy didn't have enough on hand and they bent over backwards to get me what I needed before my flight left.
And HCQ, including Amy Klobuchar and her family, Chris Cuomo and his wife, most of the NIH , CDC, FDA, HHS, DOD,Pentagon, BARDA, Johns-Hopkins, Faustus,Grady,Rick Bright among them… but they eviscerated the Black Democrat Michigan Congresswoman, Trump, DeSantis,Ladapo,Rogan,Aaron Rogers, Kyrie Irvin and Nobel winners Kari Mullis, Luc Montagnier, Michael Levitt, Satocbi Umura , mRNA delivery system inventor Robert Malone, formerly revered medical and data experts Harvey Risch, John Ionnides, Battacharaya,Kuldorff, framed researcher Steven Hatfill, whistleblower Smith, Ramon Oswui, Jim Kallstrom, Shiva,Mercola, Mikovits, Charles Ortleb
, Yeadon, Mike Flynn, Narendra Modi, Stella, Gold, Kevin Shipp, Kory,RFK Jr, Zelenko, Atlas, Makary and all the despicably smeared experts as “ fringe”
If your aim is to make yourself appear to be a completely vacant and vindictive fool to everyone else on this forum, you are succeeding brilliantly. I pray the Lord protect the children of Higley AZ from your brainwashed "doctoring".
Mass EPISTEMIC social CHAOS can be just as deadly as any physical microbe or its human-alleged 'antidote'.....
Politicized Western Corporatized Medical Science -- and public understanding-of and mass-trust-in said medical science -- has now become deeply uncertain for millions of us 'civilized humans' - and thus has also become easily ruinous to the future survivability of we modern humans altogether .....
There can be no easy way out of this horrid paradox........<><><>
You need proof, which would be ground breaking! Further it is suggested a saline solution was used by Trudeau and others faking their publicity injections.
“The failure to recommend ivermectin is not a side story, as you suggested in your debate with Dr. Kory. It is THE story, Alex. Because with ivermectin, every injection, every death, every injury, every infringement on our rights in the name of ‘saving’ us from COVID wouldn’t have happened. Indeed, it would have made for a very boring story.”
I previously covered the ivermectin disinformation campaign during the FDA’s “y’all” propaganda blitz in October 2021:
It was inspired by a conversation with Mike Yeadon and our growing concern about the use of terms like “bungling,” “mistakes,” and “incompetence”—even by well-meaning people in the medical freedom movement.
I feel it is absolutely vital that we get the message out to the people in our community to avoid using the exculpatory language the perpetrators are planting in the public consciousness to deflect guilt.
I would be profoundly grateful, Peter, if you would use your voice to share this poem and warn people about falling into the trap of allowing the philanthropaths (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/anatomy-of-a-philanthropath-dreams), tyrants, colluders, and propagandists to frame the messaging.
Thank you both for your ceaseless efforts on behalf of truth, freedom, and humanity, and here’s to making 2023 the Year of Accountability!
Yes and still no accountability. They just want it to be forgotten. I will never forget because our family suffered 3 deaths 2021 and 2023! All attributable to the murderous response to a non lethal illness.
ERIN: Hi, My name is Erin [inaudible]*. I am mom of nine children and 11 grandchildren.
Sept 20, '21 my son Daniel was under a doctor's care at home. He was being treated for pneumonia. The doctor had warned them not to go to the hospital. People were not coming out. But at the time the doctor had prescribed him Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine and the pharmacy could not fill the script, or would not.
It would be several days or weeks before they could get it. His wife and inlaws took the Ivermectin and recovered, and we knew many more who did.
They had no choice to call the paramedics, his oxygen had dropped below 70. He was struggling to breathe.
I got on the next flight to Kentucky. My son and his wife Chrissandra were well aware of the protocols of the hospital and verbalized they would not take Remdesivir treatment or any ventilation treatment. They were strongly against it and made that very clear.
Once Daniel was admitted, they did not let his wife into the hospital with him. After a period of time his wife was able to go back in but for 30 minutes a day. Not into his room. Standing outside his room to pray over it.
After a period of time I was allowed in there and the same restrictions, and the times were very restrictive for me but I was only allowed outside.
We received a frantic phone call, they had to vent my son. He was struggling to breathe. After speaking with the doctor we knew the percentages of people that walk out of the hospital, that don't walk out of the hospital after being vented. And we told them that. And he said, well, your son has no chance to live right now, so at least give him that. We said no. We are on our way.
When we get there, Daniel is vented. Again, against his will.
I asked the doctor to read me the list of medications my son was on. I was shocked to hear that Remdesivir was on the list. I immediately told him to take my son off and to please refer to the records that him and his wife signed regarding the medication when admitted.
No Remdesivir, the doctor promised me he would.
Daniel's wife Chrissandra followed up with the doctor about this subject and she was lied to, and lied at the actions taken.
He stated that he was following protocol. I asked him, what about Ivermectin? Through tears. He responded to me with the statement: I know it works, I have used it, but my hands are tied. And I would have to go to the administration to speak with them.
I was screaming at them. I had a lawyer on my phone. I had my phone up, I've got my lawyer on my phone, which I did. And—
I am going to the administration immediately, here is his script.
At that moment a kidney specialist joined us outside his room. He was one of the doctors that was treating my son. He said, I'm very sorry, it's too late. We stood in disbelief and questioned, what are you even talking about? He said that Daniel's kidneys were shutting down, a side-effect of using Remdesivir.
That was when I found out that my son was on the hospital CDC protocol, totally against his will. And within minutes, they ran out of his room, screaming, all hands on deck!
My heart was crushed, I was confused. Daniel was one of seven people that coded in front of us in one evening.
The nurse ran out and asked me, Do you want to come in and watch us resuscitate your son? The same nurse that would not allow me near my son. I said to her, we have been here for 10 days and you have not let me near my son. Now you want me to come into the room and watch you resuscitate him? How dare you.
I was standing in the hallway looking through the door and just praying. It was his bare feet I was able to see from my vantage point and I prayed into them with every intention. My baby boy was so close. I could sense him breathing, his body rising and falling. I traveled over 700 miles only to come against an evil no parent should have to face. A hospital, a place of healing, became a prison. And I was one moment away from being forcibly removed from that hospital for just wanting to be with my baby.
All I felt was helpless standing outside that door, barred from entering the room where my child was laying 10 feet from me. They physically won't let me near him. This is criminal! All's I wanted to do was touch Daniel, to let him hear my voice, to soothe his spirit and speak life into him. God's holy word. To treat him with Ivermectin because I knew that it worked, to restore this young man's glorious God frequency!
To be denied the opportunity to be healed was pure evil. Everyone who knew and was part of this is complicit. And you are responsible, they are so responsible, for every murder.
This time it was my precious boy. It could be anyone, easily anyone that's listening to this story right now.
Daniel was a light in this world. He walked in faith, he loved his family passionately. My husband and I gave Daniel God's inheritance and legacy and in turn, Daniel gave it to his children. And in the end God wins. But the torture of this journey is a heavy burden. With all of my heart I know where my son is and we will be together again.
The inhumane treatment of patients and families has got to come to an end!
The Ivermectin was being withheld from people. People were being sent away from the hospital until they were so so sick that they had no recourse but CDC Protocol.
The patients are alone, scared, having no family to advocate next to them, to protect their rights.
What is truly going on?
When we went to the hospital to pick over a thousand pages of medical records, the medical lady who handed us the big box of papers printed them out, you know, have to pay per page, handed them to us, said, "These are free. And I do not work at this hospital, I am only subbing in today. I need you to take my cell number." She said, "For anything, please take this, please do something about this. They are killing people here."
Our medical rights are being taken away. We couldn't stay with him and state his wishes. We couldn't make the choices we had the right to make for him. And how dare they take that from us.
In closing, I'm so grateful for the continued stand of support for my family and friends, [inaudible] words are inadequate, all of my friends who I see here today. I am thankful for our governor who fights for families and fought to make sure that your family will not be dying in Florida alone.**
In a million years I could not have thought that this would be my son. I was fully informed, and it was still happening to me and my family. I hope that by sharing my story that it will encourage you to share yours.
Research these things!
Learn the truth and fight for it!
Our rights as Americans are being taken away.
And I will end in scripture. Psalm 34:18: The Lord is close to the broken-hearted. And saves those who are crushed in spirit.
And I am so thankful that I do not walk alone. Thank you.
# # #
*I have not yet been able to verify the spelling of her last name.
**On April 6, 2022 Governor of Florida Ron DeSantos signed the No Patient Left Alone State Bill 988 that guarantees visitation rights of patients and their families. See
So sorry for your loss. Our hospitals have become even more dangerous places since covid, but staff were disregarding all kinds of patient information prior to it. Having spent hundreds of hours in a hospital with someone who had cancer in 2010, I can confirm that patient reports of allergies to medication are not taken seriously and the commitment to the patient is basically any drug that keeps him/her comatose. My friend was pushed to accept oxycontin so many times that he behaved as if he were going to take it, but eventually ended up with a dresser drawer full of it, which hopefully they cleaned out prior to the next victim. Sometimes IV drugs included other things he had refused, and he'd need someone to advocate for him because he was so disoriented and sick from the drugs he had told them he did not want. I cannot imagine the horror of watching these incompetents touching your child. May God comfort you with His Spirit and use your story to wake up the woke.
I am so embarrassed to live in Buffalo NY where Millard Fillmore Suburban which is one of the highest regarded hospitals in the area, was the focus of two chapters in your book. They were blocking against a court order to dispense life saving medication. I have lost all confidence in the local medical profession and looking forward to being a Floridian
Ivermectin worked for literally every single person I know who took it - many at high risk so thank you doc for your intellectual courage. Your bravery saved many.
We know the problem is our corrupt system. We know the solutions are transparency in these systems, decentralization of power, and human collaboration.
We just need to organize better as problem solvers to fix this.
Let's start with mindset. We started a free book club for problem solvers like yourself and many of your readers. Let's all think the problems out together. The first book we are reading is ironically MINDSET by Dweck.
Many Covid-infected Washington blue and red elites secretly were treated with Ivermectin.
I learned from Dr. Zelenko on a Dr. Mercola podcast that Dr. Ralph Baric, who was instrumental in gain of function research wrote a paper a few years back where he described that virus could be killed inside a cell by zinc but needed an “ionosphore” to allow it in. I didn’t read the paper, but I understand that hydroxychloroquine was pretty well known at the time and perhaps they discovered ivermectin would work as well. It’s notable how hard the Deep State worked to stop Drs from prescribing these drugs for COVID. Obvious evidence to me that they were aware that they at least could work. Also implies that they intended to kill as many people as possible by preventing their use.
Hopefully evidence will be revealed in today's Twitter file dump that Big Pharma and the US government/FDA knew that if Hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin successfully treated Covid 19 then the EUA could NOT be approved.
This is a BFD (as Elon would say).
We already know this, without a ‘Twitter dump file’.
'X' still does not allow endorsement of ivermectin. That "advocates suicide"!
The government knew;
I’m waiting for when the drug companies are in court trying to justify their experimental jabs and accompanying deaths/maimings, when there is a patent in the US patent office (owned by the government and Moderna, that is for killing all viruses known to man (except Ebola). (Can’t say they didn’t know)
Same as the bird flu folks trying to justify their vax’s.
And can’t for the life of me understand why the birds are not given zinc with an ionophore. (Ivermectin, hydroxychoriquin,quercetin,large doses of vitamin C)(those are just the mild ones that i know.
(I think it was patented to cover their a sses incase they were busted for their gain of function dangers. They can say, look they’re not dangerous, zinc kills them if it gets into the nucleus of a cell)
Quercetin is also a zinc ionophore. Zelenko proposed that because people couldn’t get HCQ or IVM
Yes. I’ve been taking Quercetin, along with vitamin D, glycine, and NAC for 3 years (and have high levels of zinc in my water) and have not had one cold/virus symptom this whole time. Incredible stuff.
UK, Wife and I have been taking VitD4000iu`s and 100mg zinc for last 3.5 years, colds last just hours.. For years I have suffered severe sore throats each and every year, not had one since taking VitD and Zinc sulphate. UK NHS directions to UK Doctors, Quote: Do not use VitD, ivermectin, Doxycycline to treat Covid. HCQ was banned for off label use in early 2020.
i read somewhere to be careful about using too much zinc, somehow it can induce senility. not saying don't use it to treat viruses.
Seems the only reasonable conclusion to me as well..
Dr. Mike Yeadon got there fast, too. As in "they are working to kill us."
Of course mountains of useful idiots are carrying out the orders without the first idea that their actions are killing people intentionally.....
However I hope a few more shake off the trance!!
or the trace.
I don’t know if it is still on the CDC website but, two years ago, the CDC recommended ivermectin for aliens entering the USA.
Afghanistan refugees received a packet of therapeutics to take en route to the United States. Ivermectin was included.
Well that makes sense now. Kill off the Legal citizenry so the aliens can squat here.
no, not squat, kill Americans off and replace us with controllable masses who don't have guns, eliminate culture so world control can be achieved by the WEF through the use of WHO and UN/ NATO.
In Japan, the government permits Ivermectin to be used for other purposes, but Merck's Japanese subsidiary spitefully refuses to ship it. Therefore, individuals rely on imports from India. This is Merck to sell Molnupiravir (MK-4482) aka Laghebrio. About 600$ for 5 days once. Big American(may include other countries) pharmaceuticals are really bad.
Molnupiravir has been proven to cause DNA mutations in mammalian cell cultures!
There are even teratogenic side effects.
Mornupiravir, the covid-19 antiviral drug purchased by the UK government for 2.23 million doses, is no better than placebo in lowering the risk of death and hospitalization, a pivotal UK trial has found.
Japan allowed, and sort of promoted, the use of IVM against covid. Then Shinzu Abe was assassinated. See, they don't like when you mess with the plan.
I learned for the first time at the end of last year that Pfizer has created a health promotion foundation in Japan, and has doctors who receive money from Pfizer hold lectures for ordinary doctors to promote vaccination. In November they gave a lecture in a town 20km from our house. I have no choice but to guess that the attendees will have transportation expenses and souvenirs.
Dr. Meryl Nass
Most of the drug regulatory agencies in each country rely on pharmaceutical companies.
"Most of the drug regulatory agencies in each country rely on pharmaceutical companies."
Almost no one is aware of that fact, but it has been known since the early 1960s. John Lear, a science editor for the Saturday Review, wrote about that and many other serious problems with big pharma at that time.
Here's one.:
Do We Need a Census of Worthless Drugs?
by John Lear
The Saturday Review, May 7, 1960, pp. 53-57
Looking at the familiar names of the 'periodical authors' in that magazine: Bennett Cerf! James Morley! Louis Untermeyer! (who edited the first book of poetry I was given). I was only 10 at the time. Thank you for this bit of 'way-back machine'.
I disagree slightly... They intended to keep the fear level up so that the kill shot would be administered to more people.
I don't know if you saw Biden asking for more money for covid shots and then saying everyone will get them regardless if they're previously vaccinated or not.
They just took a bath on the last shipments. I think the zombies were the only ones who 'recieved' it. They 'sold' less than 10% of the shipments. (I hate their terminology. Sick stuff to shift various and sundry blame.)
The only thing that matters is that those who never did, should never trust any injection again.
We will know in 3-5 years who did get an active jab, and who didn't. I imagine the saline pallets were part of the game to get shots in arms without a huge death rate in the beginning. Once it was mandatory, I hope they got even more cautious. But, now, every one of the jabs will be 'hot.'
Don't play the roulette game. And pray those you love got either a deactivated jab (from mishandling, warming, mixed too long, etc) or a saline. Because, I fear all those whose jab was 'hot,' will have to fight hard to live longer than another 3 or 4 years. (So, I guess, we pay all our money and bury them, too.)
Check this comment out…
I’m waiting for when the drug companies are in court trying to justify their experimental jabs and accompanying deaths/maimings, when there is a patent in the US patent office (owned by the government and Moderna, that is for killing all viruses known to man (except Ebola). (Can’t say they didn’t know)
Same as the bird flu folks trying to justify their vax’s.
And can’t for the life of me understand why the birds are not given zinc with an ionophore. (Ivermectin, hydroxychoriquin,quercetin,large doses of vitamin C)(those are just the mild ones that i know.
(I think it was patented to cover their a sses incase they were busted for their gain of function dangers. They can say, look they’re not dangerous, zinc kills them if it gets into the nucleus of a cell)
I don't think it's implied at this point. It is simply true. The whole Eugenics-Bill Gates-depopulation-WEF-China-Blackrock-totalitarian rule is no longer a right-wing conspiracy theory. It's just fact.
They are taking us out. No more time to debate it, it's now or never.
What are we all going to do about that?
Read this. You should be prepared to keep yourself healthy and virus free. Look up nebulizing (fine spray) and this.
I’m waiting for when the drug companies are in court trying to justify their experimental jabs and accompanying deaths/maimings, when there is a patent in the US patent office (owned by the government and Moderna, that is for killing all viruses known to man (except Ebola). (Can’t say they didn’t know)
Same as the bird flu folks trying to justify their vax’s.
And can’t for the life of me understand why the birds are not given zinc with an ionophore. (Ivermectin, hydroxychoriquin,quercetin,large doses of vitamin C)(those are just the mild ones that i know.
(I think it was patented to cover their a sses incase they were busted for their gain of function dangers. They can say, look they’re not dangerous, zinc kills them if it gets into the nucleus of a cell)
Well, it was incentivized.
The health laws state that a vaccine is not needed, nor encouraged, nor will be 'recommended,' when other, cheaper treatments are available. That's why they would not allow any effective treatments to be 'discovered.'
They wanted the warp speed 'new tech' (over 20 years of testing old, but who cares about facts) vaccine being the prize. They needed an EUA to get it into arms. It could not pass FDA 'testing' to be approved for ANY use, because the test subjects mostly just died. A cattleman's report said they gave it to a herd. 30% died immediately, 30% died within hours, the rest died within weeks.
Now, you know why. Patents owned by the pharma companies and Fauci, at least. Who knows who else in the NIH, CDC, FDA, etc.
You may like this;
I’m waiting for when the drug companies are in court trying to justify their experimental jabs and accompanying deaths/maimings, when there is a patent in the US patent office (owned by the government and Moderna, that is for killing all viruses known to man (except Ebola). (Can’t say they didn’t know)
Same as the bird flu folks trying to justify their vax’s.
And can’t for the life of me understand why the birds are not given zinc with an ionophore. (Ivermectin, hydroxychoriquin,quercetin,large doses of vitamin C)(those are just the mild ones that i know.
(I think it was patented to cover their a sses incase they were busted for their gain of function dangers. They can say, look they’re not dangerous, zinc kills them if it gets into the nucleus of a cell)
Dr Sircus got Omicron really bad and none of the alternative protocols worked for him, he was just getting sicker and sicker. A link to his story is in this report. I use MMS for every kind of infection and I always have success. It’s incredible. It can take down Big Pharma. THE GREAT AWAKENING WITH THE CURE:
Will the MMS dissolve the Plastic clots? Dr. Ana says EDTA will, and Karen Kingston says it's in the patents that EDTA will dissolve them. I'm willing to try EDTA in capsule form, even though I have contact allergies and that is one of my allergens, according to the patch test. Can't get any exact instructions on taking it though, since Dr. Ana recommends the IV Chelation method. Nobody here in this town to administer that, so has to be capsules; she says some kind of minerals with it, but never can catch exactly what. I ordered both parts of the MMS, but haven't tried it yet...taking so much else, that all seems to be taken on an empty stomach, but not together. Let me know about the MMS effect on the rubbery clots, please...or any other suggestions. They tricked us seniors about getting the shots, but we stopped with the first 2. I know even the unvaxxed have the rubbery clots now, so we will have to continue to detox, because we will never stay clean. They have been getting it into us from everywhere...plus the shedding continues from the family members who won't even try to detox. Got that going on here, myself.
Zelenko was scum
Dr. Zelenko is a hero of mine.
Amen. I think that because he had a hobby of investing things and discovered this patent that he may like this comment.
I’m waiting for when the drug companies are in court trying to justify their experimental jabs and accompanying deaths/maimings, when there is a patent in the US patent office (owned by the government and Moderna, that is for killing all viruses known to man (except Ebola). (Can’t say they didn’t know)
Same as the bird flu folks trying to justify their vax’s.
And can’t for the life of me understand why the birds are not given zinc with an ionophore. (Ivermectin, hydroxychoriquin,quercetin,large doses of vitamin C)(those are just the mild ones that i know.
(I think it was patented to cover their a sses incase they were busted for their gain of function dangers. They can say, look they’re not dangerous, zinc kills them if it gets into the nucleus of a cell)
Go away troll! Are you looking in a mirror? Zelenko was an incredibly honorable man. Yes, a hero!
You are the true scum.
Most MDs and PhDs have not learned the latest in immunology, viral science, or genetic engineering.
So 90 of Canada's doctors are suddenly dead.
Force the fraud Christopher Hickie MD PhD to post his CV and current employers and other conflicts of interest. Should also demand to know whether the institutions allegedly bestowing him an MD and a PhD really did. Dox him!
Death to CCP-bots, Big Pharma, and their pimp Fauci.
Goes higher. DNC, Federal Reserve, BIS, WEF, probably higher yet. And see the Flexner Report.
Mere pawns!!!
Why do you say that? did you know him? or is this because of his protocol? Curious what it is about him that you so dislike that you use such a strong word.
Boo! You're a pfraud!
That's a troll.
Alert admin.
this comment is more of a reflection on you than Dr Zelenko. Now we know just what YOU are.
Are you DoD, DHS, FDA?
He thinks he's learned the latest in Bernays' crowd control. Which leads to the question; do pediatricians tend to be trained as mind control agents?
Undoubtedly, and they don't even know it!
Hickie is pretty much of a shithead, too.
We look forward to talking about you in derogatory tones when you're deceased.
AHA I get it now. You are super pro vax. Okay then - noted.
Come in here, say three shitty words without backing them up in any way.
Are you always a jackass, or just on the internet?
You mix the Good Heroic Doctor with the Ukrainian Comedian leader.
Why would you say such a thing?
You're looking at yourself.
Why would you say that, he developed a quick protocol to help people treating themselves and preventing getting sick? He also treated many elderly and saved their lives, how does that make him scum? Or are you worried about your investments?
Why is that?
Yep you need either Quercetin with zinc, HCQ with zinc, or Ivermectin not sure if Ivermectin needs zinc or not but the other 2 open up the cells so the zinc can get in and do its job to heal the person.
It’s impossible to conclude otherwise, isn’t it.
I’m waiting for when the drug companies are in court trying to justify their experimental jabs and accompanying deaths/maimings, when there is a patent in the US patent office (owned by the government and Moderna, that is for killing all viruses known to man (except Ebola). (Can’t say they didn’t know)
Same as the bird flu folks trying to justify their vax’s.
And can’t for the life of me understand why the birds are not given zinc with an ionophore. (Ivermectin, hydroxychoriquin,quercetin,large doses of vitamin C)(those are just the mild ones that i know.
(I think it was patented to cover their a sses incase they were busted for their gain of function dangers. They can say, look they’re not dangerous, zinc kills them if it gets into the nucleus of a cell).
Uk 81 at time, wife and I used Zev`s protocol in Jan 2021, Covid gone in 48 hours, wife was in bed with temp of 102f. HCQ, Zinc, Doxycycline.
True. Dr. Simone Gold said that 200+ members of Congress asked her for ivermectin. What hypocrisy from our “leaders.”
Yep, Dr. Kory testified the same in an interview way back at the end of 2020.
Simone Gold turned out to be a con artist. Check out the lawsuit that AFLDs has against her. She used their money to buy a mansion and several cars and to hire her own staff for her new medical enterprise. She has taken their logins and stolen the organisation!
But then she was shown to not be guilty of that, I think.
You're spreading obvious misinformation.
Don't believe everything you read. All these organizations get infiltrated by deep state.. just look at what is happening to James O'Keefe right now
Yeah, it is possible her board was infiltrated. She started a Telmed service to help people early on, she was attacked from day one. If what they said is true then if she took the money from a 501c3 she will have to account for it., but she didnt have trouble on the board until she served her time in prison for 30 days, it was while she was gone "that the board blew up", she is suing them back and it is still tied up in the courts.
Where? There is no such indication of any sort of lawsuit, nor any indication that the events portrayed by your accusations ever occurred. Source it or GTFO.
They, or at least way too many of them, are either rank cowards or full blown traitors to our Nation, imo. That inside the Beltway Bubble is very, very real- "So For Me, but, Not For Thee!"
We need to get a lot smarter about whom we elect, what "medicine" we take, who we purchase our products from, where we invest, and what we read or watch. And especially how we pay our bills!
If we, the People, set ourselves "straight" in all those categories, this "war" would be won OVERNIGHT!
Of course they did! And they’re infected with a lot more than CONvid! They’re infected with power, control and insatiable tyranny! When the majority of people finally understand what these monsters have done thus far, these tyrants aren’t going to like the reaction. Harm to a loved one with intent really sucks on a karmic level, in my humble opinion.
It's always terrible when ones power is greater than their character.
Not the link to the quoted source, but nonetheless a link to a paper from 2010 indicating that Zn ions plus Zn ionophores) are inhibitors of viral RdRp, that is, inhibitor of RNA replication:
You found well.
Sarscov2 and Sarscov1 have 80% of the same genes, so the paper suggests that Zn is probably quite effective for Sarscov2 as well.
He has no link. He’s guessing.
Here is the link:
Or this link here from Dr. Kory's twitter:
Your dream did not come true 😩
Ivermectin and Hydroxy can be obtained in Mexico without a prescription. About $15 per treatment. I bought two treatments in Nogales to have on hand just in case.
Over the counter in Costa Rica too.. thats where I initially got my HCQ. The pharmacy didn't have enough on hand and they bent over backwards to get me what I needed before my flight left.
its used routinely in places where the water is impure
And HCQ, including Amy Klobuchar and her family, Chris Cuomo and his wife, most of the NIH , CDC, FDA, HHS, DOD,Pentagon, BARDA, Johns-Hopkins, Faustus,Grady,Rick Bright among them… but they eviscerated the Black Democrat Michigan Congresswoman, Trump, DeSantis,Ladapo,Rogan,Aaron Rogers, Kyrie Irvin and Nobel winners Kari Mullis, Luc Montagnier, Michael Levitt, Satocbi Umura , mRNA delivery system inventor Robert Malone, formerly revered medical and data experts Harvey Risch, John Ionnides, Battacharaya,Kuldorff, framed researcher Steven Hatfill, whistleblower Smith, Ramon Oswui, Jim Kallstrom, Shiva,Mercola, Mikovits, Charles Ortleb
, Yeadon, Mike Flynn, Narendra Modi, Stella, Gold, Kevin Shipp, Kory,RFK Jr, Zelenko, Atlas, Makary and all the despicably smeared experts as “ fringe”
If it was secretly received how is it you know it? You are as believable as Jean-Pierre.
Yep. I'll try to find the insider expose from over a year ago. Screw these two faced " leaders".
Of course!
And note that none of them publicly came out about it. Actions, not words.
Best you got? 😂
If your aim is to make yourself appear to be a completely vacant and vindictive fool to everyone else on this forum, you are succeeding brilliantly. I pray the Lord protect the children of Higley AZ from your brainwashed "doctoring".
Proof? (Documentation) Otherwise, eat your dewormed vaccae excrement until you choke!
Mass EPISTEMIC social CHAOS can be just as deadly as any physical microbe or its human-alleged 'antidote'.....
Politicized Western Corporatized Medical Science -- and public understanding-of and mass-trust-in said medical science -- has now become deeply uncertain for millions of us 'civilized humans' - and thus has also become easily ruinous to the future survivability of we modern humans altogether .....
There can be no easy way out of this horrid paradox........<><><>
You need proof, which would be ground breaking! Further it is suggested a saline solution was used by Trudeau and others faking their publicity injections.
How do you know that?
It doesn’t matter, the author is pointing out the crime that was done, not how many people worked around the crime.
It doesn’t matter, the author is pointing out the crime that was done, not how many people worked around the crime.
AMEN, John. As I wrote in my “Letter to Alex Berenson on World Ivermectin Day” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-alex-berenson-on-world) last year:
“The failure to recommend ivermectin is not a side story, as you suggested in your debate with Dr. Kory. It is THE story, Alex. Because with ivermectin, every injection, every death, every injury, every infringement on our rights in the name of ‘saving’ us from COVID wouldn’t have happened. Indeed, it would have made for a very boring story.”
I previously covered the ivermectin disinformation campaign during the FDA’s “y’all” propaganda blitz in October 2021:
• “Letter to a Scientifically-Minded Friend” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-scientifically-minded)
Peter and John, I wanted to alert you to the poem I published to launch the new year:
• “Mistakes Were NOT Made: An Anthem for Justice” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/mistakes-were-not-made-an-anthem)
It was inspired by a conversation with Mike Yeadon and our growing concern about the use of terms like “bungling,” “mistakes,” and “incompetence”—even by well-meaning people in the medical freedom movement.
I feel it is absolutely vital that we get the message out to the people in our community to avoid using the exculpatory language the perpetrators are planting in the public consciousness to deflect guilt.
I would be profoundly grateful, Peter, if you would use your voice to share this poem and warn people about falling into the trap of allowing the philanthropaths (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/anatomy-of-a-philanthropath-dreams), tyrants, colluders, and propagandists to frame the messaging.
Thank you both for your ceaseless efforts on behalf of truth, freedom, and humanity, and here’s to making 2023 the Year of Accountability!
It was murder for$$$ and should be criminally charged as such esp Hosp. Administrations...!
Yes and still no accountability. They just want it to be forgotten. I will never forget because our family suffered 3 deaths 2021 and 2023! All attributable to the murderous response to a non lethal illness.
Kissimmee, FL Press Conference: Your Story Counts — The Untold Atrocities of COVID-19
October 13, 2022
ERIN: Hi, My name is Erin [inaudible]*. I am mom of nine children and 11 grandchildren.
Sept 20, '21 my son Daniel was under a doctor's care at home. He was being treated for pneumonia. The doctor had warned them not to go to the hospital. People were not coming out. But at the time the doctor had prescribed him Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine and the pharmacy could not fill the script, or would not.
It would be several days or weeks before they could get it. His wife and inlaws took the Ivermectin and recovered, and we knew many more who did.
They had no choice to call the paramedics, his oxygen had dropped below 70. He was struggling to breathe.
I got on the next flight to Kentucky. My son and his wife Chrissandra were well aware of the protocols of the hospital and verbalized they would not take Remdesivir treatment or any ventilation treatment. They were strongly against it and made that very clear.
Once Daniel was admitted, they did not let his wife into the hospital with him. After a period of time his wife was able to go back in but for 30 minutes a day. Not into his room. Standing outside his room to pray over it.
After a period of time I was allowed in there and the same restrictions, and the times were very restrictive for me but I was only allowed outside.
We received a frantic phone call, they had to vent my son. He was struggling to breathe. After speaking with the doctor we knew the percentages of people that walk out of the hospital, that don't walk out of the hospital after being vented. And we told them that. And he said, well, your son has no chance to live right now, so at least give him that. We said no. We are on our way.
When we get there, Daniel is vented. Again, against his will.
I asked the doctor to read me the list of medications my son was on. I was shocked to hear that Remdesivir was on the list. I immediately told him to take my son off and to please refer to the records that him and his wife signed regarding the medication when admitted.
No Remdesivir, the doctor promised me he would.
Daniel's wife Chrissandra followed up with the doctor about this subject and she was lied to, and lied at the actions taken.
He stated that he was following protocol. I asked him, what about Ivermectin? Through tears. He responded to me with the statement: I know it works, I have used it, but my hands are tied. And I would have to go to the administration to speak with them.
I was screaming at them. I had a lawyer on my phone. I had my phone up, I've got my lawyer on my phone, which I did. And—
I am going to the administration immediately, here is his script.
At that moment a kidney specialist joined us outside his room. He was one of the doctors that was treating my son. He said, I'm very sorry, it's too late. We stood in disbelief and questioned, what are you even talking about? He said that Daniel's kidneys were shutting down, a side-effect of using Remdesivir.
That was when I found out that my son was on the hospital CDC protocol, totally against his will. And within minutes, they ran out of his room, screaming, all hands on deck!
My heart was crushed, I was confused. Daniel was one of seven people that coded in front of us in one evening.
The nurse ran out and asked me, Do you want to come in and watch us resuscitate your son? The same nurse that would not allow me near my son. I said to her, we have been here for 10 days and you have not let me near my son. Now you want me to come into the room and watch you resuscitate him? How dare you.
I was standing in the hallway looking through the door and just praying. It was his bare feet I was able to see from my vantage point and I prayed into them with every intention. My baby boy was so close. I could sense him breathing, his body rising and falling. I traveled over 700 miles only to come against an evil no parent should have to face. A hospital, a place of healing, became a prison. And I was one moment away from being forcibly removed from that hospital for just wanting to be with my baby.
All I felt was helpless standing outside that door, barred from entering the room where my child was laying 10 feet from me. They physically won't let me near him. This is criminal! All's I wanted to do was touch Daniel, to let him hear my voice, to soothe his spirit and speak life into him. God's holy word. To treat him with Ivermectin because I knew that it worked, to restore this young man's glorious God frequency!
To be denied the opportunity to be healed was pure evil. Everyone who knew and was part of this is complicit. And you are responsible, they are so responsible, for every murder.
This time it was my precious boy. It could be anyone, easily anyone that's listening to this story right now.
Daniel was a light in this world. He walked in faith, he loved his family passionately. My husband and I gave Daniel God's inheritance and legacy and in turn, Daniel gave it to his children. And in the end God wins. But the torture of this journey is a heavy burden. With all of my heart I know where my son is and we will be together again.
The inhumane treatment of patients and families has got to come to an end!
The Ivermectin was being withheld from people. People were being sent away from the hospital until they were so so sick that they had no recourse but CDC Protocol.
The patients are alone, scared, having no family to advocate next to them, to protect their rights.
What is truly going on?
When we went to the hospital to pick over a thousand pages of medical records, the medical lady who handed us the big box of papers printed them out, you know, have to pay per page, handed them to us, said, "These are free. And I do not work at this hospital, I am only subbing in today. I need you to take my cell number." She said, "For anything, please take this, please do something about this. They are killing people here."
Our medical rights are being taken away. We couldn't stay with him and state his wishes. We couldn't make the choices we had the right to make for him. And how dare they take that from us.
In closing, I'm so grateful for the continued stand of support for my family and friends, [inaudible] words are inadequate, all of my friends who I see here today. I am thankful for our governor who fights for families and fought to make sure that your family will not be dying in Florida alone.**
In a million years I could not have thought that this would be my son. I was fully informed, and it was still happening to me and my family. I hope that by sharing my story that it will encourage you to share yours.
Research these things!
Learn the truth and fight for it!
Our rights as Americans are being taken away.
And I will end in scripture. Psalm 34:18: The Lord is close to the broken-hearted. And saves those who are crushed in spirit.
And I am so thankful that I do not walk alone. Thank you.
# # #
*I have not yet been able to verify the spelling of her last name.
**On April 6, 2022 Governor of Florida Ron DeSantos signed the No Patient Left Alone State Bill 988 that guarantees visitation rights of patients and their families. See
There are some things we can "NEVER" un-see!
I wish you the peace to quell the storms of hurt that turns to anger.
This is not a case of "forgive them for they know not what they do"!
They all knew Damn well in weeks they had used Non-Safe and horribly Non-Effective ways.
May they suffer a fate worse than death for the ignorance of a sworn Oath of Wellness/Trust!
I'm just the transcriber. It's beyond ghastly, isn't it.
There are many similar stories. In 2019 I never would have believed such things possible in the USA.
Copy that Houston!! Affirmative on Ghastly! Sigh......
So sorry for your loss. Our hospitals have become even more dangerous places since covid, but staff were disregarding all kinds of patient information prior to it. Having spent hundreds of hours in a hospital with someone who had cancer in 2010, I can confirm that patient reports of allergies to medication are not taken seriously and the commitment to the patient is basically any drug that keeps him/her comatose. My friend was pushed to accept oxycontin so many times that he behaved as if he were going to take it, but eventually ended up with a dresser drawer full of it, which hopefully they cleaned out prior to the next victim. Sometimes IV drugs included other things he had refused, and he'd need someone to advocate for him because he was so disoriented and sick from the drugs he had told them he did not want. I cannot imagine the horror of watching these incompetents touching your child. May God comfort you with His Spirit and use your story to wake up the woke.
Thanks, but I am just the transcriber. I also found the testimony very moving and important.
Your friend was wise to avoid the Oxycontin!
Fauci and CDC's Walensky created the Terrible Hospital Protocol.
Prayers for you for peace and healing. Thank you for sharing you story. Love, Michelle
Thank you but it's not me, I am just the transcriber.
Tragically and unbelievably to offer Ivermectin would be in direct conflict with The Agenda ..
I am so embarrassed to live in Buffalo NY where Millard Fillmore Suburban which is one of the highest regarded hospitals in the area, was the focus of two chapters in your book. They were blocking against a court order to dispense life saving medication. I have lost all confidence in the local medical profession and looking forward to being a Floridian
I bet. NY has lost more population than any other state recently. Not hard to see why.
Ivermectin worked for literally every single person I know who took it - many at high risk so thank you doc for your intellectual courage. Your bravery saved many.
We know the problem is our corrupt system. We know the solutions are transparency in these systems, decentralization of power, and human collaboration.
We just need to organize better as problem solvers to fix this.
Let's start with mindset. We started a free book club for problem solvers like yourself and many of your readers. Let's all think the problems out together. The first book we are reading is ironically MINDSET by Dweck.
Every person I know who took ivermectin died.
I took it in April 2022 for covid but did not die. My husband too.
screw you.
That's a troll. Ignore.
Hickie Dick is a troll.
Melanie, that troll is all over the comments section.