By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
The COVID-19 vaccine debacle has generated a world-wide hysteria over vaccines. Many doctors including myself considered vaccines in the background of traditional allopathic medicine and never put them up on a biotechnology pedestal. In recent years preceding the COVID-19 crisis, there were intensifying calls for universal vaccination with no allowances for medical or religious exemptions. It was almost as if the vaccines had become so compelling, so safe and effective, that no child could escape the CDC childhood vaccine schedule, which by the way, includes the EUA mRNA COVID-19 vaccines with no clinical outcomes or long-term safety data. With that context, its reasonable to look at other “compelling” and essentially “forced” vaccines and see what is really going on in the world. Dr. Perez Duque, Directorate-General of Health, Lisbon, Portugal, reported on a mumps outbreak in 2019-2020 and disappointingly, cases occurred among the fully vaccinated with MMR.

Her team provided conjecture on why this is occurring while the hard reality is that the mumps component of the MMR vaccine is fallible. The CDC discloses this on the mumps vaccine: “Two doses of MMR vaccine are 88% (range 32% to 95%) effective at preventing mumps. Mumps outbreaks can still occur in highly vaccinated U.S. communities, particularly in settings where people have close, prolonged contact, such as universities and close-knit communities. During an outbreak, public health authorities may recommend an additional dose of MMR for people who belong to groups at increased risk for mumps. An additional dose can help improve protection against mumps disease and related complications.” So its clear from this CDC language that vaccination is for self-protection and not for benefit of others. There is no claim that MMR blocks transmission of mumps. Nothing about the Lisbon report and the CDC recommendations indicate the partially effective mumps component of MMR should be mandatory. These and other sources of vaccine failure data are supporting the growing vaccine choice community among parents who reject mandates and hold the freedom to choose what vaccines and when for their children.
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CDC: Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) Vaccination: What Everyone Should Know, accessed Dec 28, 2022
The silver lining in the covid debacle is that more and more people are questioning ALL vaccines and demanding freedom for themselves and their children to abstain from any injection.
Maybe it’s time we revisit the efficacy of natural immunity, and stop assuming that vaccines are the panacea for ending what was essentially considered ‘normal’ childhood illnesses. I do not know any stats on whether the MMR vaccine actually prevented deaths from these illnesses, but if it is anything equivalent to the covid vax, it would appear that the result is somewhat inconsequential. Considering that we have better treatment now, during these illnesses, than we had in past decades when natural immunity was the goal, as well as the damage done by these vaccines, it would seem that the necessity for these vaccines is no longer warranted.