These poor souls are being led into the fire.

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We need to find a way to get this message to seniors and family members. The parents of seniors responsible for allowing multiple injections need to get this information. I will share but fear they still will not read or listen to the risks or lethality of the injections they so believed would protect their senior parents. A hard reality to accept, for anyone.

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At this stage, it is impossible to convince those who are at risk unless perhaps you happen to be their doctor of influence and know the risks exceed any benefit. They might listen after a near death experience but given cognitive decline occurs in the elderly and IMO are also exacerbated by the so-called treatment, few connect the dots. It was only when my 90 yr old elderly neighbor, a retired RN had dose #3 and a severe reaction including cardiac arythmia and sudden onset hypertension that she decided perhaps the injections weren't so safe and effective.

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Agreed. Few connect the dots. My 84y old unjabbed mother in law hardly has any friends still alive now and the ones remaining still won't listen to her.

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In the last 72 hours or so I've seen a proliferation of posts on Twitter claiming a connection between heart problems and recent COVID infection, with no mention of vaccine status. It looks to me like a pharma-financed bot campaign to distract from the vaccine injuries that everyone can see. There's also a flurry of "Let's keep wearing masks" activity. For some reason the propagandists feel a need for a follow-up campaign. Thanks for keeping the truth front and center.

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It may be true that Covid-19 infection exacerbates cardic issues which provides perfect cover for the innoculations doing the same. Temporal association is not necessarily causal which also provides cover. This article is an example of rare investigations into ascertaing if vaccine was causal. In Canada, only 4 deaths have been officially attributed to the vaccine since the start of injections in 2020.

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Add 3 zeros to that 4 and multiply by 2, and you’re getting close.

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My 89 year old mother took 3 shots. After #3 her legs swelled, the bottom of her feet had a reddish tint, and her ovarian cancer came out of remission.

She since had pin point high dose radiation called Radiosurgery in Manhattan, and cancer shrank again.

The legs still swelling after 14 months. Elevated prothrombin and elevated d-dimer.

She started Lasix, but legs don’t look too improved.

Funny thing is her big toenails on each side haven’t grown at all since that time.

They say she had preexisting problems with the valves in her heart. Ok, but never leg swelling. So maybe she has myocarditis, or spike protein.

Doctors are hard to talk to. Get defensive.

So the shot that looks like it did the damage was #3.

Forget these shots. Once you’re injured, you get the head scratching, and the run around.

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I recall in the fall of ‘21 the word was the 3rd shot was the one that often resulted in a new medical problem.

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Bivalent bioweapon of mass destruction causes bicardial problems which cause some people to go bi-bye.

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Mass psychosis will prevent this information from having the effect intended for those at risk.

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Well, mass psychosis and a distant relationship to the truth, reality, accountability, etc.

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The leaders and supporters of these corrupt institutions ( CDC, FDA, NIH, NIAIDS) should be put into a military tribunal and if found guilty of signing off or promoting these shots, be publicly executed.

I have read that one of the motivations for this elimination of the population is the enormous un-funded medical liabilities from the aging baby-boomers. I understand that these projected costs would dwarf the cost of the 2008 banking collapse. Not now.

Pushing these shots on infants and children is just pure evil.

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I completely agree.

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This article is precisely what I have suspected. Elderly patients expiring shortly after Covid-19 innoculation are regularily assigned with "natural causes" as the reason for their demise. This occured/occurs at any dose, from the first monovalent to the latest bivalent dose. It was always with incredulity that one learned doctors were and are continuing to recommend additional booster shots for any age. Comorbidity cardiac issues were and are dismissed by health professionals, as not a valid reason to avoid additional Covid-19 innoculation doses. The CDC website continues to encourage additional doses.

A first ominous incident was when an elderly baseball legend was to be the posterboy for the Covid-19 vaccine, died within two weeks after receiving a first dose. Natural causes was reason given by MSM. Later we learned that cause was declared without any post mortem.

Distinguished medical experts such as this article's author have been deliberatly censored, their early analysis and medical literature refused for publication even after initial acceptance and peer review.

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I just spoke to a fellow I have known casually for about 4 years. He was just in the hospital for heart ablation, A-fib & and apparently believes he got covid while in the hospital or quickly thereafter. Without me saying a word or asking, he voluntarily said He developed heart issues right after the 3rd shot. Now, his wife sitting next to him added, I am seeing lots of women in their 50’s & 60’s with A-fib, which she said was had been “rarely” seen in women of those relatively younger ages in the past. I did recall from several years ago, they both were big time vax proponents. I got the feeling they both now have opened their eyes. There was particularly a look of horror on the wife’s face when I mentioned A-fib was one of the top adverse events from the jabs and that there was a coverup of it all!

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YES!!!! Afib is rampant...my step dad and a friend...and the docs...didn't see any of it right away...and strokes too...and - the doctors were stumped...I was like - um...did you get the shot...they were like no...well - um..the first one...well - um...the second one...but enough time had passed...well - not that much - several months...but see...we miss that it does damage and keeps doing damage - the issue is not always immediate...come on people!!! Thanks for bringing up A-fib. You should see how many cauterizations they had to do in his heart - it looked like a dotted border intentionally drawn around his heart - it was NUTS.

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Another fellow I know died suddenly with A-fib about a month ago. He had at least 2 murderna shots. He was 66 yo so difficult to say whether he would have died anyhow EXCEPT, his best friend indicated to me he thought the jabs were the fault of an earlier death than he would have had. So sad. It seems that more people are becoming aware despite the continued excessive propaganda still manipulating the masses to believe lies or censorship of the truth.

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... murderna 👍

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Cathie, I just reread and wondered if they had to do “many cauterizations” to his heart, I suppose that means that he had numerous areas in the heart where there was an abnormal beat and one ablation wasn’t enough?

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I just passed this on to my elderly siblings and friends, some of whom were prescient enough to avoid the shots altogether, but some have had multiple boosters already. Henry E is correct that it is very hard to get through to some of them; the initial scare mongering was very effective. Thank you for this!

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I never saw the "wisdom" of injecting our most vulnerable seniors with the mRNA products to "protect" them, given the potential for the shots to take down athletes and young healthy boys and men. Never made any sense. Early treatment was the ONLY thing that ever made sense, and it was withheld. Never. Forget.

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They are Poison Death Shots.

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This is a crime against humanity...and more and more...I wonder if this is what the Bible means in Revelation 8:23 - "for by thy sorceries (pharmakeia 1. generally the use of medicine) were all nations deceived." Look. I was never anti-vax or anti medicine. In fact - I have always be en a HUGE proponent. As a conservative Christian with depression and anxiety - I have fought the good fight to defend the need for medication - not just prayer...but with the recent events and uncovering of less than ethical practice in research of said drugs...that are only now coming to light and more...are we reaching a fever pitch - culminating in COVID VAX and what is to come that is what GOD knew...that we would be deceived...indeed...ALL THE NATIONS...and in the end - THE BEAST will use biomedical devices - likely - transhuman technologies - to finish it all...alas...May we wake up to the Word of God and the TRUTH. The enemy of our souls comes to Steal KILL and DESTROY. this is only the beginning I fear. Now...how to manage without my medicine..eh? sigh.

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“For by thy sorceries were all nations deceived”. Sounds very plausible.

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Appreciate the unbiased data

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All so sad.

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