It's linked to everything !! DO NOT take the death shot period !! God bless and keep y'all and thank you for all you do !!

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The paper does actually mention mRNA vaccination:

"Data from Brogna and colleagues demonstrate that Spike protein produced in the host as response to mRNA vaccine, as deduced by specific amino acid substitutions, persists in blood samples from 50% of vaccinated individuals for between 67 and 187 days after mRNA vaccination (23). Such prolonged Spike protein exposure has previously been hypothesized to stem from residual virus reservoirs, but evidently this can occur also as consequence of mRNA vaccination."

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Many thanks for the correction. I was so stunned by the Abstract that I didn't read the full paper closely enough. See my correction on the online version. Best regards, John Leake

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That should be John. Sorry. Why was I thinking David?

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Dr Russel Blaylock a neurosurgeon talks about improving Alzheimer’s with magnesium L threonate. He says Alzheimer’s patients have little magnesium in their brain, and this form of magnesium is the quickest way to put it there.

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I subscribe to Dr. Blaylock's monthly newsletter, which is very informative. I have also recently read one of his books, "Natural Strategies for Cancer Patients", as two friends both jabbed) have developed pancreatic cancer. One of them now has metastasis to the liver. I highly recommend his work.

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Interesting! I’ve been taking Dr. Mercola’s Magnesium day or night because he also indicated it reaches the brain.

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Mercola’s magnesium Theonate I meant to say

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Steven Masley did a show on PBS, and has a book, in which he recommends Magnesium Threonate. There's also the Bredesen Protocol, which I've only recently become aware of https://www.apollohealthco.com/bredesen-protocol/. There's a huge amount of debunking about it, from many different sources, "an unproven treatment," (where the holy H have we heard that before?), but now we are onto pharma's relentless tactics. Don't know if it works, or if the treatment centers are treating vax injury Alzheimer's. The really hopeful thing is that Dr. Paul Marik, who worked on cancer as a metabolic disease, is now reading thousands of books and papers on Alzheimer's to assess what works, what doesn't etc. He is a huge proponent of intermittent fasting to get rid of spike through autophagy.

My mom went downhill cognitively after a heart procedure, which then required, supposedly, statins, beta blockers, diuretics, can't recall what else. Dr. Masley said often heart procedures precipitate cognitive impairment, but he didn't mention the pharmaceuticals that then are ostensibly necessary. The lockdown took the last of my mom's mind, but she rallied some in palliative care when we got her off Ensure and into Ka'Chava https://www.kachava.com/. Really expensive, but a complete food and not corn syrup and every additive known to better living through chemistry. I still feel terrible about the period of time when she must have felt totally abandoned and was unable to understand why no one was visiting her. This happened to thousands of the elderly, if they weren't murdered by hospital protocols. So many people have gone through this bereavement. It is incomprehensibly tragic.

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My friend's mother takes Tumeric pills (must be 95% curcumin) and MCT oil (medium chain triglycerides) in her coffee in the a.m. You'd never know she had advanced stage Alzheimer's unless you stopped the combo. It can be very hard on your stomach causing acid reflux, so you should introduce it slowly. Not a Dr or medical professional. Just offering what a friend uses for her mom. I'll mention the magnesium to her. I know she takes Mag and Potassium drops, but don't know what type of Mag it is.

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Turmeric is better taken with food, to prevent such issues. That's why I take it in the evening, not with acidic coffee, but I do add coconut oil to coffee. Seems to be working nicely,that way. Ginger also helps with the stomach issues. I'm just a retired RN, who "gabbed the bit" and broke free of the allopathic indoctrination from nursing school.

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Sep 6, 2023
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Not as hard as catching them in their lies, and realizing the harm actually being done by them. I know about the piperine, but it causes serious "heartburn", and GERD has its on dangers to health. Yes, I use only cold pressed organic coconut oil.

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Just now reading this substack - thanks for the info! May I ask, how much MCT oil does your friend's mother take? Thanks!

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The title very well could have read, " Spike Protein Linked to Everything Bad, Exacerbates Natural Predisposotion to Disease."

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"and death."

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We’re living in dystopian times and the evil of those who promoted this poison is truly shocking🤮

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I also would be interested if it does the same for Parkinson’s Disease. My husband received the first 2 in March/April 2021 (no boosters) and developed extreme Tinnitus in 2021 and then a tremor in his right hand in 2022 and clinically diagnosed via a DATSCAN with PD. Of course his Neurologist says totally not related to jab. We know better...

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My dad received the shots in March/April 2021. I had seen him in September 2020 and he had been doing quite well considering he had some health issues. We put a new door in on his house, and he was spry, able to help me install a door. He visited me less than a year later, shortly after receiving the shots, in May 2021 and he had Parkinsons-like shaking (which had gotten really bad by Thanksgiving 2021, the last time I saw him) and he could barely walk or breathe. I asked him when the shaking started, and he said in April 2021 (right after his second dose). He went downhill fast and died about a year after the shots. They’ll say the underlying health issues are what killed him, and that’s what’s on the DC, but if the shots were not a catalyst, then that’s one helluva “coincidence”.

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Thanks for sharing, very sorry for your loss. It’s all so very difficult to find someone who will be honest.

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Wishing you healing.

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My aunt had 'mild dementia' at least that was the diagnosis - her daughter put her in a nursing home and several COVID shots later she no longer recognised me - now she is dead at the age of 99 - I know it is a good age but I reckon she would have made 100 with no problem as she was a very fit lady at 96 before she went into the nursing home.

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Same scenario. Aunt diagnosed with dementia several years back. In the last 2-3 years has declined significantly. Has had several shots unfortunately. Family refused to listen.

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So sad for your aunt and family. It seems belief in 'safe and effective' vaccines is so entrenched that it is almost impossible to get through. I had a conversation with my cousin recently - her husband has just been diagnosed with cancer but she said they will be getting the vax 'just to be safe'.

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Sep 6, 2023
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It is absolutely the same as if they have been captured by a cult - because it is a cult. It is so difficult to know how much to say isn't it? I had lunch with another cousin a few weeks back - she works in a school so I thought I would bring up the menace of critcal theory, critical race theory, queer theory etc but her repsonse was she didn't believe most of what I said about queer theory and in any case she was confident it was just a 'passing fad'. I sent her some evidence which she did not respond to in any way so now she probably thinks I am a 'conspiracy theorist.' What a masterful shut down that term turned out to be!

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Friend my age, 73, both she and her husband developed a fib post vaxx.,then my friend developed autoimmune hepatitis, her liver doc advised her not to take another covid jab, and sadly she just suffered a heart attack and told her troponin level was off the charts, but when they did her angiogram.....she was told she had the arteries of a thirty year old. Not one cardiologist mention the spike protien that most likely damaged her heart, so I did.

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Thanks for sharing that. I'm curious. How did they respond to you?

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“I never thought of that”. Her reply. I asked her then to ask her cardiologist for his/her thoughts.

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Stop the COVID shots and boosters now. This is a national emergency. See E.Dowd’s book “ Cause Unknown”

Look at the insurance companies increased death rates and payouts in the working years.

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The “spike protein” narrative is a false paradigm. It’s no different than “climate change” as it’s built on the same formula.

The body is not weak and helpless as it’s portrayed to be. It’s not like, on the microscopic level, every time this part of the protein, circulating in the body, happens to cause havoc merely due to it’s very existence.

It’s mass hypnosis based on mechanistic science - a derivative of the rational mind.

The mind breaks down everything it observes into zillion pieces, juxtaposes one to another in order to find a singularity as a conclusion, to which it can then come up with a linear solution: a duct tape approach to boat leakage.

But in reality there is no such thing as a singularity. It’s an illusion. That’s why there are no cures for cancer or any other dis-eases and there will never be any, at least not in the way we imagine them, as magic-bullet solutions.

This is the prevailing weakness in our consciousness, in which the human body is seen as a jigsaw puzzle. Where the human body is seen as a bag of meat, frail, helpless and incompetent unless it gets the daily dosage of ”assistance”; superimposing intellectual tidbits by the vain mind which has assumed superiority. Where everything is ultimately downsized to good and bad, zeros and ones, without seeing the interdependency all around and between them.

Have you asked yourself why in the last 150 years, since the advent of mechanistic science of medicine, there hasn't been any advancements of health and well being, other than the illusion of it?!

As our species has advanced industrially and technologically, we seem to have replaced a high rate of deadly infectious diseases with a growing epidemic of chronic neurological and autoimmune conditions along with a continued rise in all forms of cancer and mental illness. Graves' and Crohn's disease, following the sudden epidemics of neurological diseases such as ADD/ADHD, speech and sleep disorders, narcolepsy, facial tics and Tourette's syndrome were inexistent 50 years ago.

What we had is merely a vast expansion of technical language and taxonomies by which we were able to organize the details into symptomatology frameworks. Coupled with an emphasis on engineering sophisticated tools and machines, - in their totality - has garnered a patina of medicinal progress. But the inconvenient reality is that we haven’t necessarily become healthier or have eliminated diseases. The assumption that we have is an illusion. We have either simply named the symptomatology with a different name (i.e. Polio of the past is now Acute Flaccid Myelitis or MS); or thrown myriad of symptoms into one aggregated placeholder label (e.g. chronic Lyme disease, Long Covid, PIMS) in order to escape rigor, acknowledging scientists and doctors haven’t done their job.

It’s black magic.

Despite financial support, public trust, and full-scale experimentation and testing of all their methods and theories, the medical school has completely failed to control any of the deadly diseases and has no safe cure for even one of the minor diseases. So why do you think with the”spike protein” conundrum it is different?!

It’s all the same black magic formula.

Here’s a reality check: the body doesn’t speak the mind’s language. It doesn't know what ‘spike protein', or ‘amyloid’, or ‘enzyme A’ or ‘protein B’ all mean. Yes, we need those in order to explain things to each other, but at the same time it’s important to be reminded that they do not reflect the underlying reality in full. The body is a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts. There are (hidden) elements that together create what is then perceived by the mind as a singular isolated phenomenon.



Why am I writing all that?

Because by holding onto these narratives, repeating them over and over again, they unconsciously morph into (half truth) paradigms which then settle themselves as consensus. By that time, they’re very difficult to uproot as they’ve already cemented themselves deep within the collective memory.

Inadvertently, it prevents those who seek answers to have context, which is the most important thing. Data without context means nothing, serves no purpose and has no value. And yet, that’s all we’ve got.

Sadly, this does nothing in order to be prepared for what's to come.

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Reality is a difficult thing for some. This shot hijacks your protein synthesis and instructs your cells to make viral protein. Then your immune system attacks your own cells (that are making viral protein because the mRNA told them to) and that’s one way you get autoimmune problems.

The reason why there’s been no advance in health and wellbeing is because the government-corporate interests have tainted our food supply with poisons like glyphosate and GMO and feed you all fake oil and fake meat while shoveling your minds full of bull-you-know-what and giving you and your children a bunch of dangerous drugs.

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My comment wasn’t about the modified mRNA gene therapy shots per se. The “spike protein” paradigm has been established well before them.

The problem with the allopathic system is that, by its very nature, it’s built on going down the narrow rabbit hole of molecular biology to find a singularity. The assumption is that if you go all the way into the minutiae, where you can no longer go any further, means you have reached an ultimate culprit that underlies the dilemma you’re trying to solve.

Out of that, new names and labels are invented for each minutiae examined, until we have an excess of “singularities” believed to be the cause of dilemmas, such as: “the ACE-2 spike protein is toxic”, “the loss of mitochondria”, “cancer cells compete with macrophages for methionine”, and on and on and on.

However, this habit poses major limitations:

1. It conditions the practitioner to see the human body as a jigsaw puzzle, rather than a whole that’s greater than the sum of its parts.

2. It eventually sets a barrier between those who know and those who don’t as a psychological induction of authority and a blind dependency.

This psychological induction (black magic) is across the board, not only in medicine. Your comment signifies that. The “government”, too, has become a singularity to which the individual throws all contention in order to escape responsibility to himself. There is no question there are nefarious forces around us, but “they” are not responsible any more than you, I and the rest of us are for the current state of affairs.

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Well let’s not even get into quantum mechanics then! I understand what you’re saying, and you’re not wrong.

However, on one point I’ll disagree in that there are some people more culpable than others, because if everyone is responsible for this mess, then no one is. There are some seriously evil people in this world, and a whole lot of scared sheep who do indeed understand that the wolf is at the door, but are too scared to go for the 308, so they sit there in terror until the wolf eats them.

Abdicating one’s intelligence in deference to someone else is part of that problem. Doctors are just as stupid on average as anyone anywhere and - to boot- many of them are psychopaths at a rate higher than the general population. And yet, we have a lot of people who won’t attempt to understand anything because they have it in their heads they can’t and that only the authorities know something. It’s willful ignorance.

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Sep 6, 2023
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You know all the pharmacists die of cancer early. They handle all those drugs with bare hands and breathe the dust.

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That’s a good comment.

Doctors are very unhealthy people. This can no longer work. We’re moving into a consciousness where we‘re either role models for whatever it is we say in words, or we’re just another piece of furniture in the background.

Future medicine men and women can no longer exhibit malaise and lack of bodily integrity, as they do today, expecting to be authority on issues of health and wellbeing.

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In other words humans automatically simplify complex systems, which they cannot and probably never will understand, into a shorthand quick take version which is exploited extremely effectively in psyops.

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Almost Patricia. That’s a good summary, but almost there.

On the same token, it is more likely: humans automatically downsize interrelated phenomena into one flattened dimension as a shorthand quick version, which by its incessant repetition, the collective’s psychology is induced.

The reason I didn’t use the words ’exploited’ and ’psyops’ is because ‘psyops’ has a connotation of clandestine operation, and ‘exploitation’ suggests these are done by design.

There’s no doubt there’s some truth in that, however, more egregious is the fact that most of it is done unconsciously by everyone. In other words, the “psyop” here, or what I’ve called ‘black magic’, is rather an unconscious effect arising simply from the repetition of these one dimensional explanations.

In this way, we have many people who wear white hats who, unbeknownst to them, do black work. By holding onto these explanations, even if they are used as objection narratives against the government / Big Pharma, they still unintentionally maintain the “psyops”. And so, in spite of their good intentions, they prevent themselves and others from finding the root underlying causes for phenomena.

The second thing is, it’s the other way around: We complex simple phenomena, rather than simplify complex phenomena.

This, at first, may sound counterintuitive, but the reality is that the truth is alway simple. Universal principles are simple. It is us who complex things simply by the nature of how our mind perceives existence, and the lack of education to its nature and mechanism. When there’s no education on how the mind works, there's no possibility to attain objective knowledge.

In order to be able to reach the simple, one has to ongo preparation; to shed layers and layers of mental conditioning in order to be able to see the principle of the whole in everything.

Without knowledge of the whole and the laws that underlie it, however, we’re bound to always churn multitudes of complexities (i.e. subjective knowledge), that in turn prevents us from seeing the simple.

Everything is simple. Everything can be explained in a simple way that everyone can understand, regardless of conditions and circumstances.



And so, if we combine the two, you can see the predicament of the current state of the world: that so-called “experts” cling to sophistication and complexity as a means to maintain a buffer between them and those outside their metier.

In this way, the whole focus shifts towards persuasion and maintaining one’s irrefutable position for the price of education and empowerment of others, which in turn solidify the “psyop”.

The moment I use words like: interferon, plasmids, ACE-2 spike protein, and so on and so forth, and repeat them over and over again as ad-hoc answers that are drawn from under the belt as a knee jerk reflex, gives the average person the illusion “I know what I am talking about” and instills in them a sense of lack of confidence, which then induces in them that they need to forgo their own natural state of sovereign; their authority in themselves, and automatically hand it to others (doctors, politicians, economists, etc.).

That’s how sheep, who pretend to be wolves, compete with other sheep, who is a better (faux) wolf. That’s how it works in our homogenized world.

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Very well written David. I believe you are correct. I have long been interested in how the mind works. It seems millions of years of evolution has given us brains which are well adapted to primitive life but maladapted to the hyperreality of today's world. The way human's perceive risk is absolutely fascinating - threat is elevated in the mind according to frequency of encounter (in terms of have I heard about this recently?) which does not work at all well in a 24/7 news cycle world. I haven't looked into it yet but the psychology of the group which you touch on sounds fascinating as well. Some while ago I bought a book entitled 'Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds by Charles Mackay - I haven't read it yet as I have all but turned my house into a book depot over recent years but I will get round to it.

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The most profound heresy here, Patricia, is that we don’t necessarily need to know in order to experience perfect health, both in mind and body.

In relation to the mechanics of mind, you may find value in this post of mine: Does It Really Occur That When We Don't Look At A Certain Object It Ceases To Exist? (https://kingofhearts.substack.com/p/does-it-really-happen-that-when-you)

In it, I explain in simple language how the act of observation is rather an interactive process by which the observer changes the subject of observation. This principle, sadly, is completely discarded and not taken into account within our scientific systems. Moreover, how important it is to cultivate different ways of interaction (observation), rather than direct everyone to the same narrow track.

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I wil check that post out David. I susbscribed to your substack on the 7th as our discussion inspired me to hear more from you.

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I thank you for that.

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Yes. Dr. Iain McGilchrist stresses that we have become Left Brain Dominant and it is doing us in.

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This breaks my heart. A person extremely close to me sustained awful neurological damage following her second Pfizer shot and then even more so after her one and only (Moderna) booster. The decline has been quite rapid and terrifying for her because it appears to be similar to but doesn’t present as Alzheimers per the neurologists and Neuro-psychiatrists following her case. She is fully aware of the decline and immensely frustrated by her symptoms. So it’s NOT AD but no one can identify it. I believe I do now know what it is. Thanks Bourla & Bancel, your contributions will not be forgotten.

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They are telling the vulnerable to take this shot for the new variant. Absolutely not.

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I witnessed my half sister rapid decline in memory issues within weeks of her Pfizer shot. Within 6 months she had shaking hands, within 9 months wheelchair bound, unable to communicate after a year. Passed away 24 months after the initial ‘vaccine’. Received 4 total.

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So, so sad for those of us living with an effected family member. This is my mother’s story of the last 2 yrs also.

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