I suggest that you go right to the top and tell Elon and whoever the lady is that he hired to run X is.

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Nov 17, 2023
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She is not. I think she is part of the WEF which is scary.

Linda Yaccarino, not a friend of free speech

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Nov 17, 2023
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Absolutely hard leftist. WEF is full to brimming with them.

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I think I am a leftist and I am for all speech to be free except what the SC called a crime

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If you are a leftist, you are definitely not pro-unfettered free speech. That would conflict with the interventionist ideology espoused by leftists. Whatever you are, I'm glad you clearly have the primacy of individual freedome in your value system, which is pretty fantastic.

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Yeah, but he’s her boss.

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I stopped using Twitter when Elon Musk hired a World Economic Forum associated person to a high position in Twitter.

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Apparently that Community Note has been removed. Comments indicate that it was from ‘Enterprising Desert Raven’, and if you search Twitter, you can no longer find that subscriber, but can find a number of tweets regarding some of their other ‘comments’. Obviously a paid troll or bot of some sort.

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Keep up the righteous and good work you and your colleagues are doing! It’s amazing the differences in perception of reality that populations of people can have. In 2008 I first became of this phenomenon. It must really stand out in times of crisis? Keep fighting the false narratives!!

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Community Notes are doing this with many issues, other than the vax. Despite all the mumbo jumbo about ‘free speech’ on the platform, Musk is in a world of financial difficulty with his needed ties (and debt) to Google, Amazon, etc., which is one of the reasons why Linda Yaccarino was hired. He is playing both sides of the fence, whether by choice or necessity.

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I think those of us who subscribe are really aware of the bull - soon as I see those "community" notes I know they're nonsense. I'm surprised Musk allows that garbage.

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Dr. McCullough

I am so sorry this has happened. How frustrating it must feel. I do want to tell you a bit about how the Community Note decisions are ostensibly made: I am a proposed Community Notes evaluator for "X."

It sounded interesting, so I applied, and was accepted without having to furnish any other information, rather, pro forma, I think.

Here's how the evaluating/voting works: We are allowed to see opportunities to evaluate proposed Community Notes before anyone else on X sees the Notes. We read the proposed Notes and their citations, and then answer whether we think the Note that is being proposed should be used, or not be used, indicating one or more reasons for our decision from a list of about eight. For example, one reason might be "The proposed Note does not include a citation," or "The citation does not adequately support the statement in the proposed Note," or "No Note is needed," etc. We indicate whether we think the Community Note being proposed is helpful, not helpful, or somewhere in between. I don't know how many other people are also evaluating any particular proposed Note. My vote is looked at and compared to the other votes that come in, and then someone decides whether to publish the proposed Note, put up an entirely different Note, or not put up any Note at all. "They" keep track of how often your votes match the publishing decisions that they ultimately make. When your votes on Community Notes match the publishing decision made, you receive points. When you reach, I think it is, five points, then you qualify to write your own proposed Community Notes yourself. I don't always see proposed Community Notes available for votes in time to weigh in. In your case, I did not notice a call for votes for a Community Note relating to your article. It might be worth a try for additional persons in our medical freedom groups to apply to be Community Note evaluators. Good luck, and best wishes.

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Excellent info & a great idea! Love X or hate it, it’s still an important source of dissemination! I vote on those notes, every chance I get & include links to support my position. My first thought here was to go do the same on this “tweet”, but seems the Note was in fact removed? Can you shed any light on why & how that happens?

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I don't know. Maybe Dr. McCullough was successful in showing it was not accurate?

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Leave Twitter (x) , what good is it if they allow this?! And it seems to have an identity crisis anyway, X? Twitter? Useless?!

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We are in a war of ideas where the internet is the public forum. This war is being flushed out of the shadows by strong, resilient intellectually honest individuals such as Dr. McCullough and John Leake.

Thank you for what you do, without hyperbole, but by calm and persuasive presentation of fact based inquiry and discovery.

As we march into a Brave New World, we will be split into two camps, those that decide to choose comfort over freedom and will lose those freedoms and those who value freedom over tyranny and are willing to do the hard work necessary for a life well lived.

I encourage everyone to read, "Terms of Service: Subject to Change Without Notice by Craig Stanfill", it's as chilling as 1984, only more relevant due to the emerging technologies of AI and social credit scoring.

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Thank you for Exposing them Dr. McCullough!

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I have left twitter due it it's support of the narrative, it is no better than the rest.

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I noticed these "fact checkers" appeared when the new CEO, who is WEF, took over. So, does this surprise anyone? Not me. When I saw she was now the CEO, I knew things would change and even go back to where it was before Elon took over but gradually.

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GRRRRRR! So exasperating! It is not just the Biopharmaceutical Complex we are fighting; we are in a spiritual war.

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Can I just say that X allowing comments that Dr. M can't even see is extra bullshit.

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And let’s all pray daily that these transgressors receive attention from the Almighty who said He will repay.

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Shadow banning,or outright blocking are bad enough, but that gambit is just plain evil! I'm glad I quit when I did, and didn't go back. That's worse than Wikipedia, where you can see alterations, or add-ons.

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