Yes, and along with the mostly lethal Remdesivir & Ventilator protocol, for an extra boost to the death count, doctors were suddenly told "no antibiotics" for the Covid viral pneumonia patients.

Why they listened is my question.

Killers, our "healers" became, and now I realize they are nothing but veritable pumping stations for the pharmaceutical corporations, just like filling station attendants for ExxonMobil.

"Medicine" needs a total overhaul & Physicians need de-programming.

As a young woman I wondered why my Ob/Gyn didn't care about the terrible side effects the birth control pills he prescribed for me created. Now I realize far too many Physicians care nothing about the consequences of their actions, up to and including causing the deaths of their patients.

We need to re-educate the entire profession with an emphasis on morality and the Hippocratic Oath. "FIRST, DO NO HARM!" needs to be inscribed into their brains & their souls before they ever touch a patient!

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I agree. But I’ll add that just as MDs need deprogramming, so too does the entire adult population. It’s time to stop outsourcing the care and upkeep of YOUR OWN BODY, the only one you get, as well as the bodies of your children. It’s time to grow up. The infantile way in which adults fell right into line the last few years should be the biggest wake up call of all. Time to step up and take responsibility. The outsourcing agents are clearly increasingly dangerous to do business with, so consult them at your own risk.

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And don’t forget the perverse incentives that the government was paying to these hospitals for each covid death

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Wrote the plan, fully endemnified their operatives, and paid them very, very handsomely to do their dirty work for them!

Truly Sociopathic behavior.

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More like criminal!

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Coinfection was present in my case before I contracted COVID.

Being sensitive to several antibiotics, We were awaiting test results in order to safely treat it when I was admitted with COVID.

Not only did I get the "not vaxed" lecture from everyone who contacted me in the hospital; I'd told everyone from ED to admit that I had already been diagnosed with bacterial pneumonia and was awaiting test results to determine a safe antibiotic.

NO ONE attempted to access those results or treat my bacterial pneumonia.

Instead I was placed on the incentivi$ed conveyor belt of Remdisivir (plus steroids, blood thinner) with permission to ventilate.

I had sent my family a photo of the whiteboard in my room which outlined my treatment plan.

Thankfully my daughter-in-law was privy to the background info on Remdisivir and warned me via text message.

Once I reaearched it myself, I refused further doses and withdrew permission to ventilate. I was discharged the next day, bacterial pneumonia still unacknowledged and untreated.

My metabolic panel was already moving in the wrong direction after the initial loading dose of Remdesivir, and the next dose the following day.

Prior to my admission I had been prescribed ivermectin which I took on the sly, but it was not an appropriate dose, no zinc, and then the pharmacy wouldn't fill a new rx.

Improvement was evident once my bacterial infection was finally treated by my family NP, who'd also ordered oxygen for me pre and post-admission.

He and his wife worked tirelessly to provide early treatment for COVID in our community. Their efforts (house calls!) saved many lives, including my daughter's. He absolutely treated the co-infections.

He did not prescribe ivermectin; my Naturopath did that.

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This is precisely why Dr. Vladimir Zelenko lost so few patients. His early protocol was for HCQ/Zinc/Azithromycin. The Azithromycin, why also possessing some anti-viral properties, was primarily meant to address any secondary bacterial infections. Even when he later started also utilizing Ivermectin, he kept the Azithromycin as part of the protocol. It is very clear, from every measure that our federal health agencies either promoted or insisted upon, whether it was by means of omission or commission, that it was intended to be harmful.

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The incompetence of these hospitals is shocking

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Would Ivermectin be an effective treatment for some or all of these bacterial pneumonias? Or anything else?

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No, just appropriate antibiotics for hospital acquired, ventilator acquired pneumonias. Shocking not all patients covered with appropriate antibiotics.

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IVM is an antiviral, I believe. I think the trick is to take it before your viral infection triggers a secondary bacterial infection.

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Maybe very high dose vit D and at least one hour a day exposure to sunlight near infrared. Got to restore their immune systems.

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Not good enough.we need a class action lawsuit bu drs against mandated hospital pro tty cools and standard of care. They all need to lose their corporate profits from killing patients

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The Prep Act was written to protect the murderers no matter how egregious their actions.

Read Sasha Latypova, Katherine Watts, & ICENI on Substack.

Listen to Meryl Nass & Todd Callender's presentations recently in Croatia, and follow Dr. Mike Yeadon on Telegram.

On top of that there is Denis Rancourt, (Government caused all the excess deaths,) on X, as well as "BioWarfare, Then and Now," an X Space conversation with Kevin McCairn, Kevin McKernan & Charles Rixey, which is very, very revealing.

Test your CD 4 & CD 8 if you've had either Covid or the injections.

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Oh I am well aware....but it wasn't written to prevent doctors from having to obey DC mandated standards of care pushed on non doctor administrators at hospitals...it might just be a way through, as administrators might not fall under the PRep act as they are not actively invovled in managing patients.

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Dr Ardis also talked about these “standard of care” protocols. I believe his father-in-law passed away due to mismanagement of disease with something similar. The hospital protocols essentially doom many patients to an early death, both during and pre-Covid. I’m sure they will continue into the future considering the way things are going. very sad.

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I was surprised to find that a diagnosis signal of the fungal infection (pneumocystis juroveci) common in people with poor immunity (AIDS, and the aged with covid infection after destruction of CD8 and CD4 and other T cells) was "ground glass opacities" in CT scan of the lungs, a symptom used in covid diagnosis prior to test availability. I thus wondered how much of the covid deadliness was actually this fungal infection.

PS Edit: That fungus is infectious.

There has been a lot of talk of the antibiotic azithromycin withheld, but certainly in Australia aged care residents with covid were given antibiotics in the progress of their covid disease, according to Radcliffe et al and Yap et al. I don't know if they were azithromycin or some other antibiotic that was more, or less, effective.

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What’s interesting about the chronically vaccinated, beyond the physical mutilation, is watching them intellectually molest themselves.


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The story gets worse.

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What is wrong with our medical industry? From my view, it seems that doctors are not focused on health care so much as on money care - for themselves, the hospital, the medical groups. Something is seriously wrong with that - what happened to the Hippocratic Oath of first do no harm? I would be very cautious approaching any medical care at this time. Personally and fortunately, we have an excellent doctor. Out of pocket, but had we been with an HMO, I’m sure old farts like us would have been dead at least 18 months ago u dear their protocols. We have had two mild case of Covid or whatever, treated with appropriate substances, etc., (banned by the fraud government), and recovered in a matter of a couple or so days both times. Not jabbed and will never do another vax, at least not until the government health industry is revised to treat and protect patients, be transparent, and be honest. I doubt they will reform in the next 30 years, and I doubt I will be around beyond that.

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Dec 11, 2023
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I have been ill for over a month. Contacts have tested negative for all respiratory pathogens. I have noticed a similar protracted illness in family, friends, and patients. Be sure to have viricidal nasal sprays, gargles, and consider Wellness Company Medical Kit for home use to get an early start on treatment. https://www.twc.health/pages/courageous-discourse?ref=COURAGE

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